Islam reported on May 29, 2012 that a 31-year-old Egyptian farmer, assisted by his wife and mother, raped an 18-year-old girl in order to exact revenge against the girl's brother.

Religion and racism inspired gang-rape by Muslim pedophile gang leaves UK parents of young girls in scare...

Egyptian national daily Al-Ahram reported that after gaining absolute power in the post-Mubarak parliamentary election in Egypt, Islamists are trying to bring in two proposals for legislation to the Egyptian Parliament:

  1. Farewell Sex: Allowing spouses to have sex with dead-bodies of their partners;
  2. Underage marriage: Lowering the age-limit for marriage to 14 years.

Recent we reported courageous Pakistani Ex-Muslim Imran Firasat's petition to the Spanish government to ban the Quran. Many Muslims then called Imran stupid, and said the Government of Spain is not going to entertain your petition and that they will tear and throw your petition. Reader Muslim and Proud on website commented: "I think the government of Spain will take this muppet very seriously and they will ban the Holy Qur'an.........not."

volker-kauderAccording to Reuter on 19 April 2012, Volker Kauder, Chairperson of Prime Minister Angela Markel’s Christian Democratic Union parliamentary group, while addressing a Muslim integration conference in Berlin, kicked up a controversy by emphasizing that Islam is not a part of Germany.

AFP is reporting that bodies of a 15-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl were discovered on Friday in wasteland in the Esfandi area of Ghazni province in south central Afghanistan.

The Associated Press in reporting that hundreds of French policemen have cornered a terror suspect, a 24-year-old Muslim, in a building in the southwestern city of Toulouse, where the suspect has perpetrated three separate deadly shootings in recent days.

rinkle kumari abduction, conversion to islam

Recently we have reported the case of the 17-year-old Pakistani Hindu girl Rinkle Kumari, a resident of Mirpur Mathelo of Sindh Province, who was abducted and converted to Islam. The horrible act was masterminded by the son of a parliamentarian from Ghotki district of Sindh. The case since has been unfolding in shocking manners.


Imran Firasat, the Pakistani-born ex-Muslim settled in Spain – who recently created controversy by petitioning the Spanish government to ban the Quran because of its violent contents – is in the spotlight again. This time, it is over his plan to burn the Quran.

Reuters is reporting, referring to Wikileaks, that Israel has destroyed Iranian nuclear infrastructures sometime ago...

Imran Firasat, a Pakistani citizen settled in Spain, has presented an official petition to numerous institutions of Spanish government urging for prohibition of the Quran.

Imran has formally sent the petition to the President of Spain, Parliament of Spain, Ministry of exterior and also to the ministry of interior.

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