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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9245
After Comedy Central censored depiction of Muhammad in a South Park episode, after death-threat from a Muslim group,, Seattle cartoonist Molly Norris launched "Everybody Draw Muhammad Day" to defend one's right to free expression and to challenge the boundaries of political correctness. But...
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- Written by Mary Abdelmassih
- Hits: 11614
Dina el-Gowhary, a 15-year-old Egyptian Muslim-born girl, who converted to Christianity, was subjected to an acid attack. This is the latest in a string of failed attempts by Muslim fanatics to harm her and her father, 57-year-old Peter Athanasius (Maher el-Gowhary), who converted to Christianity 35 years ago.
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6496
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- Written by Mary Abdelmassih
- Hits: 15583
A Muslim driver drove a Christian man to a Muslim brothel, then went out to call a Muslim mob that broke into the brothel, dragged out the Christian and stabbed 16 times after pouring acid over him. As the victim was rushed to hospital in critical condition, the mob started attacking and looting Christian properties....
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- Written by William Gomes
- Hits: 12677
Historic 3,000-strong Christian community of Solepur in Central Bangladesh are threatened by increasing persecution and eviction from the area...
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 82483
Websites run by moderate & ex-Muslims
Amil Imani - Site of an Iranian ex-Muslim in English and FarsiCouncil of Ex-Muslims of Britain
Derafsh-Kaviyani - Site of an Iranian in Farsi
Faith Freedom - A highly recommended website
Forum Murtadin Indonesia - Bahasa Indonesia
In the name of Allah - website by I. Q. Rassooli
Islamic Scriptures Unveiled - blog by ex-Muslimah
Khalas - Website by a former convert to Islam
Liberated One (Blog of a Pakistani ex-Muslimah)
Religions are Politics (book)
World without Islam (A Pakistani ex-Muslim's blog with Spanish, English, Urdu contents)
Nobojug Blog (Excellent Progressive Bangla website) (good Bangla/English collections)
1000+ Mistakes in the Quran [must read]
Anti-CAIR - Website for scrutinizing CAIR
Answering Islam - A Christian site to refute Islam with some erudite & strong articles.
Centre For Study of Political Islam [Czech]
Halal Choices -- Australia (A site for informed choices for the products you buy) article on Islam
Human Rights Congress for Bangladesh Minorities
Internet Infidels' Islam Library - A good collection of articles -- Thousands of documents in French
Life and Times of Ahmed and Mohammed - Humor site
Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) (good collection of Islam critical content)
Act for America (Brigitte Gabriel website)
Women of Afghanistan - RAWA