A new apostate's letter to Dr. Ali Sina, the ex-Muslim founder of faithfreedom.org.

Hi brother,

Quran is false

I am a Muslim. I am deeply interested to read your book, not for a lame try to refute your arguments but it makes me happy when I read those “mass murderer”, “rapist” and all these things about Muhammad.

I was not like this. I was a true believer, I thought Islam was true religion until I came across that "sex slave" hadith from somewhere on the Internet. Then I was looking for a proper website that criticizes Islam to know more about the reality of it and I came across your website. It was really shocking. The Islam I practiced and thought to exist is completely different from what the Quran and hadith teach.

In the beginning i couldn’t withstand those "murderer", "rapist" and all other words referring to my "beloved" prophet. But i also couldn’t also ignore them because it was clear according to our own hadith that Muhammad had sex with 9 year old Ayisha and raped the women captured in wars. Slowly I accepted the fact that Islam was a lie and I started hating it.

I also want to say that most of the Muslims in non-islamic countries think Islam means peace and love and they practice it that way (like I once did). They are really caring people.

With lots of love and respect

Your student


Hello friend.

Thank you for this email. I know that these adjectives I use hurt Muslims and many have told me to tone down and not use words that may turn Muslims away. I wish I could do it but I can’t. If one wants to tell the truth one must not be politically correct. That is the reality that everyone, Muslims and non-Muslims must deal with it.

I agree that the Islam Muslims believe and practice is not the same Islam of Muhammad. Muslims all over the world, not just in the west project their own idealistic views in Islam. The truth is that Muhammad was not that holy man Muslims think he was.

That is the difference between Islam and other faiths. You may find all faiths are logically wrong, but there is also some good in their teachings. There is nothing good in Islam. The only good you find in Islam is in the aspiration and thinking of the believers. That goodness is part of the human nature shared by all the people. But when these good people become influenced by Islam they are transformed into terrorists and murderers.

Now that you found the truth, tell others. Truth will set the world free. Muslims’ faith is strong. But that is zealotry. No one wants to live in a lie. Once the truth is known Islam will be demolished and Muslims will be set free.

Truth is out. Now all is left to do is spread it. If each Muslim who learns the truth spreads it to others, in no time Islam will become history.

Ali Sina

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