Family on Sale: Keep Us as Slave & Give Us Security of Life
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- Written by B. George
- Hits: 8047
A Pakistani Christian's desperate plea to the West: Please buy my family and keep us as your slave. Despite the indignity, we would, at least, be secure. No fear of rockets, bomb blasts, and mob violence. My kids would be able to play whatever they want and move freely elsewhere...
Fraudulent Translation of Muhammad's 'Last Sermon' to Make It Egalitarian
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- Written by T. Omar Moros
- Hits: 24424
How deceptive Islamists mistranslate the so-called "Last Sermon" of Muhammad to make it sound egalitarian and progressive, what it is not...
A Frightening Prophecy: An Islam Dominated World
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- Written by Jagmohan Singh Khurmi
- Hits: 13705
Novelist Robert Ferrigno's image of Islamic States of America (ISA) in his futurist novel, Heart of the Assassin...
Review: "Modern Day Trojan Horse: The Islamic Doctrine of Immigration"
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- Written by Janet Levy
- Hits: 26660
Within the past few decades, mosques have increasingly dotted the landscapes of American and European cities and towns, with mega mosques often overshadowing adjacent, centuries-old churches in predominantly Christian regions. Islamic schools or academies and a host of Muslim organizations have become omnipresent across the West.
The Islamic Republic of Iran Reality Check
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 9469
A look into how the Iranian Islamist regime is arbitrarily arresting innocent beautiful young women and raping, sodomizing and torturing them before ending their life. Here's the story of beautiful 19-year-old Taraneh---another Neda Soltan---raped, sodomized, tortured, and eventually shot dead and her body burned, before throwing on the roadside.
A Pious Muslimah's Awakening to the Truth of Islam
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- Written by Jameela/Ali Sina
- Hits: 6814
How a Muslimah realized the truth that Islam is a cult of death, hatred and barbarism, and hopes to see its quick downfall.
Does Allah really value women?
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- Written by Poma
- Hits: 10226
Since childhood, I have been told by Muslims that women's value Islam is unprecedented in other cultures or religions; no other religion gives that much value to their women as does Islam. Being raised a non-Muslim in a predominantly Muslim country and having seen the plight of Muslim women there, I deeply knew that what my Muslim neighbors and friends were telling stems from their sheer ignorance of Islam as well as of other religions or cultures.
Muhammad's Barbaric Punishment and Killing of Elderly Woman Umm Qirfa
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- Written by Copper Kid
- Hits: 12224
A pictorial display of how Prophet Muhammad tortured an elderly woman and leader of a tribe, named Umm Qirfa, in a ghastly barbaric manner, before killing her by splitting into two..
Zaynab and the Beast: Zaynab’s Divine Marriage to Muhammad & Zayd's Life-shattering Loss
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 30355
How Allah's sanction to Muhammad's marriage to his daughter-in-law Zaynab relegated marriage simply into an institution of satiating sexual desire; how it was for Zayd, Zaynab's former husband and the prime loser in this divine drama, a life-shattering experience; and how Muhammad paved shattered Zayd's demise from the world soon afterward????
Justic: Islamic Style
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 5493
When oppression, discrimination, persecution and barbaric punishment for small crimes or noncrimes are justice...
Religion: The Humanized Recipe of Hate!
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 5507
For thousands of years, the world has been in an almost constant state of religious tension, dispute and violence. During this time, humanity has been hit by a continual wave of religious fanaticism that enslaves the body, mind and soul of man to a heinous and oppressive ideology. This psychology, however unfortunate, is obviously innate to the human mind.