Jihad - Holy war or plundering raids? Muhammad's early Jihad raids; first success at Nakhla
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 9850
Our second video on the "Jihad: Holy War or Plundering raid?" series.
Muhammad's initiation of Jihad in Islam. Bloodshed, murder, and capture of booty in Nakhla Jihad raid.
Muhammad’s 'Final Sermon': The Fake versus Real
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 6782
Muslims sincerely want and need to be following a prophet who models today’s most cherished humanitarian values -- universal equality, civil rights for women, and a faith for all peoples and all times. After all, Islam is now competing in a marketplace of ideologies, some of which actually ensure those values. Unfortunately, it is impossible to reach back into the well-documented history of Muhammad and find those values. So, instead, Muslims have re-written history. Be aware! When Muslims tell you that Muhammad espoused universal equality, equal rights for women, and a “perfected” religion, they may be quoting from a fake “Final Sermon” of Muhammad. Here it is:
Muslims are coming?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5510
During the Third Reich, comedians and ordinary people used comedy to express their deep contempt for the Nazi regime. Those were very brave people and many of whom had to sacrifice their life for their bravery. Quoting from the book “Did You Hear the One About Hitler?:
“Jokes reflect what really affects, amuses and angers people. They provide an inner view of the Third Reich that possesses an authenticity one usually misses when reviewing other literary texts,” says Herzog, 33, whose book “Heil Hitler, The Pig is Dead” -- the punchline to another Hitler joke –- goes on sale in September. “Political jokes weren’t a form of active resistance but valves for pent-up public anger. They were told in pubs, on the street –- to let off steam with a laugh. This suited the Nazi regime which was deeply humorless.”
Unlike the Nazi era comedians’ attack of Nazism and exposing the evils of the regime, recently in New York City, Muslim comedians Dean Obeidallah and Negin Farsad, producers of the “Muslims are coming” documentary, began a humorous campaign not to use comedy to attack and expose the evil of Muhammad and his Islam but to humanize him by putting a happy face on his monstrous ideology. One of the campaign ads read:
“Our hope is that our posters will inspire people to remember why bigotry and hate towards any religion or race is harmful to everyone. There is just no room for this type of fear mongering—especially in a packed subway car during rush hour,” Obeidallah said in the April release.
The Jihad: The CAIR-Muslim Brotherhood-Hamas-Hezbollah Jihadi Nexus
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8370
A telling presentation by Juhdi Jasser:
Unveiling the Muslim ‘Lone Wolf’ Jihadism Phenomenon
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 5453
The ultimate mission of Islam is to conquer the world for Allah, where Islam will be only religion practiced (Quran 2:193, 8:39). Non-Muslims, who refuse to embrace Islam, will be slaughtered wherever found if they are idolaters, and relentlessly fought and subjugated into dhimmis if they are People of the Book (i.e. Jews and Christians). In order to hide this brutal face of Islam, Muslims have created terms such as Islamophobia to malign those, who question and expose the brutal nature of Islam, as racist and bigots. They excuse barbaric terrorist attacks by radical Muslims by reciting the rare peace verses of the Quran that have all being abrogated by the abundant violent verses, and call these Muslims as Self-radicalized, despite the fact that those terrorist Muslims commit the horrid acts of terrorism by obeying the violent verses of the Quran that command them to terrorize and kill the kafirs. Now-a-days, individual Muslims, after reading the Quran and being inspired by its violent verses, are engaging in acts of terrorism on their own, and to hide the Islamic inspiration from their actions, Muslim organizations and the media are calling it the “Lone Wolf” phenomenon.
Germany: Muslim Sex Attacker Thrashed by Brave Woman
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 7912
Muslim sex attackers, be aware. Kuffar women are not always weak and your sex slave.
Protocols of the Elders of the Muslim Brotherhood
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 4407
The two best-selling Western books in the Middle East are Protocols of the Elders of Zion and Mein Kampf. Both of these books fuel the anti-Semitism that is endemic in the region. Protocols is probably one of the most boring and ill-conceived books in history. It is basically a digest of 24 evil strategies (protocols) Jews will use to take over the world. After each set of strategies there is a short narrative (“argument”) explaining how that particular strategy will be achieved.
Example: Protocol 10 – Destruction and imperceptible abolition of constitutions melting the government into an autocracy.
Argument: These measures will give us the possibility of eliminating, little by little and step by step, all that which we may be obliged, at the beginning, to introduce into the government constitution, in an endeavor to acquire our rights, so as to bring about, unobserved, the abolition of every constitution and, when the time comes, to merge every function into our autocracy.
These protocols seem so authentic to the Muslim Brotherhood that they were actually written into the HAMAS Covenant of 1988 which says in Article 32:
On Islamic Extremists
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 7109
I was recently (Jan.2016) talking with a friend of mine on a wide range of issues. We had moved onto a discussion of Islam in light of the recent (Jan 1st 2016) mass sexual attacks in Cologne and (as we subsequently found out) other German cities.
My friend said “the Islamic extremists are just a tiny minority of course.”
My reply, made without much thought, was “I don't believe that.”
Having had time to think about that I would now say that we were both right, because it depends on what you mean by “Islamic extremist” and a “tiny minority”.
Without definitions of those terms to give a common frame of reference any discussion becomes pointless.
Sexual Jihad by Muslim Refugees in Germany
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 4853
Gone are the days of the German oompah bands. This rapid jihad that is sweeping Germany for years and recently accentuated by massive influx of Muslim asylum seekers and illegal infiltrators from the Middle East and North Africa by Chancellor Angela Merkel's open door policies, culminated on New Years Eve in Cologne, Hamburg and Stuttgart in Taharrush – an Arabic phenomenon whereby women are encircled by groups of men and sexually harassed, assaulted, groped, raped.
To understand Taharrush, view this July 1 2013 horrifying You Tube video of a 22 year old Dutch journalist being raped in Egypt:
Jihad: Holy War or Plundering Raids? Setting the Foundation
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 5034
Islam Watch's latest video on Islam. Part 1 in the upcoming series of videos that will portray Prophet Muhammad's major Jihad activities.
Muslim Refugee in Sweden : Here for Allahu Akbar, Revenge and Murder of Filthy Kuffar
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 7048
O Kuffar of Sweden! The soldiers of Muhammad and Allah are here with your blood in mind.
Be aware!