Islamic Jihad by M A Khan Multiple Language
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 1705
‘Islamic Jihad’ by M A Khan available PDF for free download in Multiple Language. Thanks to FaithFreedom
‘Islamic Jihad’ by M A Khan available for free download in Multiple Language
An Analysis of the Muslim Council of Britain’s Open Letter on Islamophobia
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 66060
In late May 2018 the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) attacked the conservative party of Great Britain for “Islamophobia” in an open letter (here).
The letter lists nine examples of “Islamophobia”:
- 5 April: Mike Payne, who shared an article which called Muslims ‘parasites’ who ‘live off the state and breed like rabbits’.
- 17 April: Alexander van Terheyden, who called Islam a ‘violent political ideology’ comparable to fascism and communism.
- 20 April: Darren Harrison, who was alleged to have links to Generation Identity, an anti-Islam organisation with strong links to far-right groups across Europe. [Emphasis mine]
- 24 April: Phillipa Auton, who retweeted a tweet from Tommy Robinson and tweeted ‘Revoke Muslim immigration, repatriate and secure European borders…’ as a means of keeping Europe safe.
- 25 April: Peter Lucey who liked a page by right-wing extremist Tommy Robinson and Geert Wilders, the anti-Muslim Dutch politician, and made a number of posts about Islam and the English Defence League.
- 27 April: Nick Sundin, who tweeted the “Prophet Mohammed was a ‘f****** paedophile”.
- 1 May: “Karen Sunderland, who called Islam ‘the new Nazism’.
- 1 May: David Boston posted a picture of bacon hanging on a door handle as a way to 'protect your house from terrorism'.
- 23 May: Stephen Goldsack had formerly been the “Scottish security adviser” for the BNP in 2001, which led to the Muslim Council of Scotland accusing the Conservative Party of a “deep problem” of racism and Islamophobia.
Islam’s Allah is Definitely Greater than God
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 18716
Ever since Muhammad’s surprise attack on the Jewish enclave at Khaybar in 629, Muslims have tried to strike fear in the hearts of non-Muslims by shouting “Allahu Akbar!” – Allah is Greater. The same shout of “Allahu akbar” was used by the Islamic airplane hijackers on 9/11/01 and by Nidal Hasan at Fort Hood on 11/5/09.
For some reason, newscasters and journalists insist on insulting Allah by translating that exclamation merely as “God is great.” Such a depreciating distortion is -- or should be -- considered blasphemy by devout Muslims.
Of Bin Laden, Qatar, Muslim Brotherhood, Sira and Al Qaeda's motivation for Islamic terrorism
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- Written by B. Kisan
- Hits: 14536
Materials captured in the 2011 US raid of Osama Bin Laden’s Abottabad residence in Pakistan was recently released by the CIA.
On Twitter scholar Hasan Hasan translated and commented upon some of this material.
Bin Laden maintained diary that charts his journey towards becoming the chief reviver of Islamic terrorism in the modern age. In it, he poses and answers a series of questions. In one he asks about who he would list as a religious influence. And he replies: "I was committed with the Muslim Brotherhood. Their resources were limited. I read Sira (prophet's biography).”
Poppy is Haram: An educational lesson from Google Auto-Complete
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- Written by B. Kisan
- Hits: 23438
Google search has an auto-complete feature that gives suggestions to complete the sentence when you start typing. These are generated by algorithms based on the most commonly searched terms. When these auto-generate searches are not politically palatable, they are altered by human interventions.
For example there are a lot of negative searches and follow-through clicks on material critical of Islam. But, due to activism by Muslim groups, these have been played around with so as to place Islam-critical contents further down and Islam-apologetic content higher up in the search results and to avoid the negative search auto-completes.
The Muslim Understanding of Reality and History
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 21815
“This day I have perfected your religion for you and completed my favour to you. I have chosen Islam to be your faith.” (Surah 5:3)
This pronouncement was supposedly “handed down” to Muhammad on his final pilgrimage to Mecca in 632. Yet Islam was far from perfected at that time. Of the five Pillars of Islam, prayer and charity were not yet defined. One hundred years after Muhammad’s death, five different “schools” still could not agree on the tenants of Sharia law.
Faith is a virtue, but blind faith can sometimes trap people in an imaginary world divorced from reality. Muslims not only believe that their religion is “perfect”, but they also believe that all events in history were not only “Islamic”, but they were the perfect will of Allah.
To Muslims, it’s quite simple: Allah created the world and everyone in it. Would it make any sense that there would be more than one religion in Allah’s creation? Allah would never allow that! Therefore, Adam was a Muslim, Abraham was a Muslim, David was a Muslim, and of course, Jesus was a Muslim. Because people had drifted away from Islam, Muhammad was sent to bring them back.
The Injustice of Allah’s Punishment of the People of Sodom and Gomorrah
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 22935
The Old Testament tells us that God destroyed the entire populations of the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah for their supposed sexual decadence. Many reasons have been advanced over time as to why God annihilated the entire population including young children, and their homosexual indulgence has been cited to be the dominant reason. Killing even the little children for the sin of the grown-ups makes it a great historical injustice.
The Old Testament is an anecdotal historical document that records different stories of the tribal Hebrew people, many concerning their prophets, from the memories and mouths of human authors. The Quran, supposedly the word of God, gives a more elaborate account of what actually happened to the people of Sodom and Gomorrah in these verses 7:80, 11:77, 15:59, 21:71, 26:161, 27:55, 29:26, 37:133, and 54:33.
When a virtue becomes a vice
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- Written by B. Kisan
- Hits: 18931
Tolerance, kindness and openness are normally counted in the category of virtues.
When dealing with normal human beings who follow the principle of reciprocation they would generally engender a nice response. As the golden rule states 'treat others the way you would like them to treat you'.
Opening the borders of Europe to a massive Muslim influx by Angela Merkel has often been praised as offering a clear counter to the ISIS claim of the West's so-called Crusader enmity towards Muslims. The point pushed is that this effort of love defeats the ISIS narrative of hatred and enmity by showing how untrue it is.
What those who point this out fail to understand is that the ISIS narrative is the Islamic narrative pushed in the Quran in verses like these:
Miraj in Islamic Scripture: A Collection of Contradictory Fairytales
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- Written by Mirza Ghalib
- Hits: 27856
The Islamic scriptures promises 100% entertainment to the readers by its logic and contradictions. For example, a day in heaven is equal to 1000 years on earth according to chapter 22:47 & 32:4 of the Quran. On the other hand a day in heaven is equal to 5000 years in chapter 70:4 of the Quran.
Here is one such sampling of contradiction from the story of Muhammad’s the famous “Night Journey” to heaven, known as ‘Miraj’ among Muslims. There are at least ten contradictions surrounding this one single event.
Egyptian Ex-Muslim Hamed Abdel Samad's Excellent Interview on Islam
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 29057
Abdel Samad is son of an Egyptian Imam and himself a Hafez, i.e. one who memorized the Quran.