Muhammad in the Gospel of John?
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 8029
On the basis of a mention in Ibn Hesham’s Sira, a redacted version of Ibn Ishaq’s Biography of Muhammad, Muslims claim that Muhammad is foretold in the Bible. This article investigates this claim.
Moderate Muslims Undress Tariq Ramadan-Muslim Brotherhood Nexus
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- Written by IPT News
- Hits: 7843
A group of moderate Muslims on Thursday warned Canadians not to be fooled by Islamist Tariq Ramadan, telling reporters in Montreal that his charisma masks a dark vision of tyranny over Muslims and non-Muslims alike.
Muslims' Final Abode: Paradise or Allah's Whore-House
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 38008
To get his followers fight in suicidal raids and wars, Muhammad created an image of Islamic paradise, where Muslims will find unlimited access to every earthly desires, greed, pleasures and wealth that man may wish to have or experience in this life. Sexuality, perverse sexuality---including group-sex with numerous eternal virgins and sodomy with pearl-like boys---for men (not for women) are among the staples in Allah's paradise. Muhammad knew what would work best to inspire young men fight deadly wars and used that tool to his advantage...
Iran, Islam & Cyrus the Great
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5354
The current Islamic regime under the mullahs has shown, on countless occasions, its contempt both in words and deeds for the memory of the founding father of Persia, Cyrus the Great, including flooding the plain which houses the King’s tomb, destroying the archeological sites of Pasargad and Persepolis, and harassing and intimidating those who would gather at the tomb of the enlightened king to commemorate the International Day of Cyrus the Great.
Dalia Mogahed: The Islamists' White House Pipeline
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- Written by Steve Emerson
- Hits: 4804
Dalia Mogahed, radical Islamists' implant in the White House, is directing American policy toward Muslims and the Islamic world. It's a time of utmost worry when the White House has itself become the pleasureground from Islamists, who want nothing less than destruction of what America and the West stand for....
Dalia Mogahed: The Islamists' White House Pipeline
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- Written by Steve Emerson
- Hits: 5751
Dalia Mogahed, radical Islamists' implant in the White House, is directing American policy toward Muslims and the Islamic world. It's a time of utmost worry when the White House has itself become the pleasureground from Islamists, who want nothing less than destruction of what America and the West stand for....
Was Compilation of the Quran Free from Errors?
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- Written by Mohammad Asghar
- Hits: 9528
Muslims believe that the Quran---the heart, soul and life of Islam---contains Allah's words and that an exact of it has been kept by Allah in heaven. Allah himself promises to keep it free from errors, too. But Allah failed; even compilers of the Quran introduced errors into it...
Islamic Barbarism in Action: Acid Attack on Muslim Egyptian Girl for Converting to Christianity
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- Written by Mary Abdelmassih
- Hits: 11617
Dina el-Gowhary, a 15-year-old Egyptian Muslim-born girl, who converted to Christianity, was subjected to an acid attack. This is the latest in a string of failed attempts by Muslim fanatics to harm her and her father, 57-year-old Peter Athanasius (Maher el-Gowhary), who converted to Christianity 35 years ago.
Hatred in the Quran and Well-educated Muslims Opened My Way Out of Islam
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- Written by Zakaryia Ezzat
- Hits: 6420
How hatred of non-Muslims in the Quran and amongst well-educated Muslims, plus their deceptive two-faced tactic, propelled Zakaryia Ezzat out of Islam?
Islam: Abrahamic Religion or Muhammad’s Alter-Ego?
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- Written by Andrew Stunich
- Hits: 17122
To facilitate Islam's advance in the Judeo-Christian West, it is often deceptively referred to as an Abrahamic religion based on the claim that these religions have "shared values". But how can Islam have "shared values" with Judaism and Christianity, when its doctrines are so hateful toward those religions, and when Jews and Christians suffer terrible persecution and discrimination in the Muslim world???
Halal, Haram and Negis in Islam
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- Written by Jahanshah Rashidian
- Hits: 11648
Islamic concepts of halal, haram and negis are mere rituals of the particular conditions and environment of pre-Islamic primitive Arabia society, which continue to afflict our society.