Creation of an international movement for Freedom, Equality & Secularism
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- Written by Azar Majedi
- Hits: 4852
A Report on the International Women’s Day Conference in Gothenburg/Sweden on March 6 to comemmorate 8th March...
The Desperation of Muslims in Islamic Countries
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 9096
A grim picture of Muslims' desperation in Pakistan and in the wider Islamic world, for that matter... but no help from Allah is forthcoming...
Tarek Fatah and the Myth of Moderate Islam
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 7026
How the likes of Tarek Fatah, in the guise of so-called secular and moderate Muslims, are hell-bent on hiding Islam's historical facts in order to advance Islam in the West, while discrediting, even endangering the lives, of the true critics of Islam...
Did Caliph Omar Order the Burning of Alexandria Library?
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna & Firman Illahi
- Hits: 35314
Some modern historians, including Bernard Lewis, discredit the fact that Caliph Omar ordered the destruction of the great Alexandria Library as a 17-century Christian invention to scandalize Islam. But they ignore that fact that the original report comes from Muslim authors of the 11th century...
Hero Worship of Muhammad and the Denial of Human Rights and Freedom
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- Written by Kenneth Roberts
- Hits: 8327
Hero worship of individuals, as occurs under fascistic and dictarorial regimes, also fosters a culture, where human rights and freedom are least regarded. It's no wonder that in countries where Muhammad, a fascistic dictator, is hero-worshipped, human rights and freedom are least valued...
Conversion to Islam: The One-way Street in Marriage between a Muslim and non-Muslim
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 80042
In marriages between Muslims and non-Muslims, conversion of the non-Muslim partner to Islam is a must, failing of which may lead to tragic consequences, from beheading to burning alive even in Hindu India (see below).
Muslims’ Sheep Mentality
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6303
Humans are living information machines, receiving input from both external sources as well as the body, processing it in some fashion, and producing output: our thoughts and behavior. From the moment of birth, parents, siblings, and others play pivotal parts in supplying the input and influencing how it is processed.
The True Nature of Islam: Nonie Darwish versus Hassan Shibley
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- Written by Nonie Darwish/Hassan Shibley
- Hits: 6984
Islamic apologist Hassan Shibly demands "Islam Has Nothing To Do With Terrorism" to which ex-Muslim Nonie Darwish writes a retort on the true nature of Islam...
Why a Hindu (or non-Muslim) Girl Must Think Thrice before Marrying a Muslim
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 26710
In my previous article, Why a Hindu (or a non-Muslim) Girl Must not Marry a Muslim, I have explained why it is not wise for Hindu girls to convert to Islam and marry Muslims. In this article, I outline a few unfortunate-to-tragic incidents of Hindu girls, who converted to Islam to marry their Muslim lovers, which will warrant thinking thrice for Hindu girls before converting and marrying Muslims...
Where Christianity Meets Islam
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 3103
Some points of similarities between the Islamic and Biblical Scriptures...
Violent, Hateful Misfits Get Attracted to Islam
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- Written by Ayesha Ahmed
- Hits: 10854
Islam's hateful and violent core is the perfect panacea for violent and criminal misfits, and that's why so many violent criminals are converting to Islam in the West.....