Barbaric Islamic Cruelty on a Muslim Woman in West Bengal, India
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 14992
A Muslim cleric in West Bengal, India, strangled his wife to death, tried to sever her head from the body with kitchen-knife, failing which he used his hands and feet to pull her head apart from the body. How could the cleric commit such extreme cruelty? Is Islam at play here?
Appeal to U.N. for Stopping Execution of Political Prisoners in Iran
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- Written by Jahanshah Rashidian
- Hits: 6563
Five prisoners are scheduled to be executed in Iran on charges of taking part in protests following the fraudulent presidential election in June. All freedom-loving people, free-world governments, and particularly the U.N. must intervene in this gross violation of human rights by the Iranian Islamic regime.
Let the West Know Islam
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- Written by Tariq Shah
- Hits: 5719
It is important that the Westerners understand what Islam is all about, and what the growing Muslim population means to free humanity, represented by the West.
Islam’s Gifts to the World
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 149794
A pictorial presentation of some of Islam's great contributions to the world.
What Mosques at German Schools Portend for Germany’s Future?
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- Written by Dr Sami Alrabaa
- Hits: 4952
A German court ruled last week that Muslims have the right to have mosques at German schools. Hence, the series of Muslims infiltrating German courts continues. If things go on like this, Muslims, led by radicals, will, demographically and “democratically-legally”, take over Germany by 2070. They are exploiting religious freedom and terrorism to advance their agenda.
Islamic Terrorism and Culpability of Moderate Muslims
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 8062
How the so-called moderate Muslims are part of the problem of Islamic extremism and terrorism...
Muhammad Had Violated the Quran, Part 4 [amended]
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- Written by Abul Kasem
- Hits: 6239
Final installment on Muhammad's violation of the inviolable Quran (see more violation added at the bottom).
Is Islam What a Muslim Does?
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 5324
Why barbaric and degrading practices such as veiling of Muslim women or their genital mutilation is not simply cultural, but Islamic too.
Muslimah Calls Down Angels to Defend Criticism against Islam & Muhammad
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- Written by M. A. Khan/Shireen Akhtar
- Hits: 7186
Muslims won't leave any efforts untried to defend Islam. Here's another, probably never heard by anyone. An Indian young woman claims to have talked to a host of Allah's angels, who gave her tips on how to defend Islam and Muhammad on forums like ours. I give her a fair chance to convince some of you, to the detriment of our mission.
Persecution of Christians & Minorities in Islamic Pakistan
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- Written by Adrian Morgan
- Hits: 12509
A terrible state of affairs for the minorities of Pakistan. One wonders what would be the reaction of Muslims worldwide, if Muslim immigrants would be treated in the same way in the West, say in Britain or America?
Neda, Iranian Freedom Icon, Immortalized by U.S. Artist
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 7955
American sculturist Paula Slater attemt to immortalize Neda Agha Sultan, the young Iranian music student, who was murdered by the Ayatollahs in Iran's post-election violence and became a freedom icon.