The Majestic Allah, Part 2
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 7184
Is Allah 'loving'? Does He love? Seems not; if at all, very little. But He surely wants to be loved intensely...
Islam & the Mental Immune System
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- Written by Amil Imani & Dr. Wafa Sultan
- Hits: 6574
Our beliefs and ideas make us who we are and the qualities of those beliefs and ideas determine the kind of person we are. We shield and fiercely defend our beliefs and ideas for good reason: without both integrity and internal harmony, the mind becomes disorganized and even dysfunctional...
What Would You Have Said If You Were Daisy Khan?
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- Written by Denis Schulz
- Hits: 6346
It was a thought-provoking question. It was debated for hours and hours at Joe's Bar and Grille and Gun Club; they came to no satisfactory conclusion. What would you have said if you were Daisy Khan?
Civilizational War
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- Written by Bill Warner
- Hits: 6795
Sharia, the Islamic legal code, is devoted to regulating the life of Muslims in every detail --- sex, food, art, business, education, prayer, manners, speech and how to think and not to think. All aspects of life---religion, politics, ethics, culture---are within the bounds of Sharia. It is the operating manual for a complete civilization. And the civilization of Sharia is not just different, it contradicts our civilization.
Sharia for Dummies
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- Written by Nonie Darwish
- Hits: 11050
Imam Feisal Abdel Rauf claims that the US constitution is Sharia compliant. Now let us examine below a few laws of Sharia to see if Imam Rauf is truthful or a fraud:
The Myth of Moderate Muslim
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- Written by Denis Schulz
- Hits: 11544
Just where are they? Maybe you have to travel to Canada to find one, just one; for more, you have well have to travel to hell...
The Majestic Allah, Part 1
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 7523
Allah, in His Own words, isn't commited to true justice and is majestic in deceiving, misleading, lying---a degree higher than even the so-called Satan, the allegedly supreme master of deception.
Murdered for His Belief: Another Victim of Terrorist Sunni Islam
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- Written by B. Kisan
- Hits: 8020
Habib Peer, an Ahmadiyya Muslim and U.S. citizen, who returned to Pakistan after his brother was murdered by Muslim assailants, also had to embrace his brother's fate as he was shot dead by masked Muslim terrorists---all because of his faith, deemed heretical in Islam...
How Muhammad Married Enslaved Safiya Bint Huyay
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 16402
It is claimed that Muhammad, the prophet of Islam, married women, who were mostly helpless old widows etc. This claim is generally false. In this article, I show that this claim does not stand to critical scrutiny, when it comes to Muhammad's marriage to Safiya bint Huyay, the wife of a Khaibar Jewish leader, Kinana.
Why 20% Americans Think President Obama is a Muslim
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 8200
Because they have solid grounds, thanks to Obama himself, to assume so..
A Tribute to the Spirit of Israel
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6361
On her 62nd Birth Day, a tribute to the spirit of the secular-democratic state of Israel by an Iranian, ancient friends of the Jews people...