107 Wives & 185 Children: New Islamic Prophet Excells Muhammad
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 10011
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Islamic stories claim that Prophet Muhammad, the great master of love, was endowed with extraordinary sexual power, sexual power of 30 men. That's why, claim Islamic clerics, Allah gave the Prophet of Islam the special privilege to marry unlimited women (see Qur'an 33:50), while limiting normal Muslims to 4 wives only. We don't know exactly how many women Prophet Muhammad had sexual relation with. We know the Prophet had married nearly two dozen wives; on top of that, he had the right to have sex with numerous female captives he obtained from his war-booty. Now here is a Prophet-like Muslim, who claim to communicate with Allah, might have broken the record of Muhammad. Certainly Muhammad was less potent, given that this new prophet has produced 185 children, while Muhammad sired only 3 to 4. Read the story: Meet the Islamic faith healer who married 107 women.
The Death of One Osama
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5466
"Bin Laden is Killed," headlines blanketed the world, a few days ago. Many rejoiced and felt justice was served while a few mourned the mass murderer’s demise. Celebration and mourning aside, the fact is that the death of one demon does not mark the end of the evil of Islamism. In the same way that it is in the nature of swamps to breed mosquitoes, Islam is the incubator of jihadist mass murderers.
Geert Wilders Speech on Islam in Toronto
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- Written by Geert Wilders
- Hits: 7528
"Muhammad was one of the most evil men ever lived," claimed Wilders.
I Declare My Apostasy
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- Written by Farhan Qureshi
- Hits: 12662
A Muslim psychologist and long-time preacher leaves Islam, and vows "to explore Islam and to expose its primitive nature as incompatible with contemporary reality."
Justice - Islamic Style: Hanged for Teaching Love
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 8880
She is called the Angel of Iran, because she lived her short life like an angel. The demonic Islamist Mullahs, true to their nature, couldn’t bear an angel in their midst. On June 18, 1983, they hanged the young woman, barely past childhood, for refusing to renounce her belief: the belief in love, justice, and equality for all children of God.
US forces killed Osama bin Laden in Islamabad
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9230
US president Barack Obama has confirmed the United States has conducted an operation in which Al Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden was killed.
New Threats on the Life of Mukhtar Mai
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 7654
Acquittal of five of the six men convicted in the famous 2002 Mukktar Mai gang-rape case in Pakistan has raised renewed threats on her life.
CBS Reporter Lara Logan: Egyptian Freedom Revolutionaries "raped me with their hands"
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 7723
And "They really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence."
Read the story at: Reporter Lara Logan reveals terrifying details of mob sex attack in Egypt.
On War Against the Turk (1528 A.D)
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- Written by Martin Luther
- Hits: 6800
A year before the Ottoman Turks besieged Vienna in 1529, the final stronghold, in their effort to overrun Europe, Martin Luther penned this essay encouraging the Germans against surrender. As Jihadis dream again of an impending conquest of the globe, it's worth reading this essay to understand the desperation Europe was going through in the face of Islam's assault to conquer it.
Muslim actress raises furore by posing for Playboy Magazine
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9820
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Sila Sahin, a Turkish Muslim actress, has posed for the Playboy Magazine. She says it was her protest against the suppression she suffered under Islamic culture and an act of complete liberation from those constraints.
She has been duly branded a "whore" and "western slut" and quickly received threats for insulting Muslim womanhood.
Read more here: Fanatics' fury at Muslim Playgirl
Islamization of Australia: Auburn Leads the Way
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 9001
Muslims sprayed a Hindu temple in Auburn Australia and struck terror into the hearts of Hindu devotees as their usual pattern of action in Islamizing the West...