U.K. Imams' Fatwa against British Muslims Joining the Islamic State
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 4989
The fatwa reads:
“There is no doubt that President Assad’s regime in Syria is oppressive, unjust and brutal, and has committed numerous atrocities against its own people. The same is true of the so-called ‘Islamic State’ (IS) or self-styled ‘Caliphate', formerly known as ‘The Islamic State in Iraq and Syria’: it is an oppressive and tyrannical group. The IS persecution and massacres of Shia Muslims, Christians and Yazidis is abhorrent and opposed to Islamic teachings and the Islamic tolerance displayed by great empires such as the Mughals and Ottomans. [Islamic State] is a heretical, extremist organisation and it is religiously prohibited (haram) to support or join it; furthermore, it is an obligation on British Muslims to actively oppose its poisonous ideology, especially when this is promoted within Britain. British and other EU citizens are bound by their duties to their home countries according to Islamic theology and jurisprudence: it is therefore prohibited (haram) to travel to fight with any side in Syria, including non-state actors, since this is forbidden by laws in EU countries.” See here. (The reason I have had to use the Times of Israel is that it is the only online source I've seen that actually quotes the fatwa.)
O Islamophobic Kafers! Do Not Criticize Islam before Knowing the Noble Teachings of Islam Fully, Part 2
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- Hits: 6772
It is our sincere belief that after reading Part 1 of this article, unclean Kafers will rethink about mocking Muslims on the subject of homosexuality in Islam. Indeed, no further discussion is needed when Allah (swt) Himself will supply pearl-like prepubescent boys in abundance for us in His Paradise. The Kafers need not get astonished by this action of Allah. The secrets of Heaven and wisdom of Allah are beyond the intellect of humans. Ignorant Kafers certainly can't comprehend all that.
In Part 1, we have seen that Muhammad equated Muslim women with domestic animals (Tabari IX:113). Let us continue our discussion with some more findings on our holy prophet's comparison of Muslim women with animals.
Islamic State in the Grand Scheme of Things
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- Written by B. Kisan
- Hits: 6697
The Sunni Jihadist ‘Islamic State’ or Dawla Islamiya is the manifestation of what Sunni Islamists have been striving for for a long time, especially groups like Hizb-ut-tahrir and many other hardline Islamist groups.
After 9/11 as I started to research into Islamic teachings I started visiting a liberal ex-Muslim website called secular Islam. There in a comments section for several months I viewed comments / arguments flying back and forwards and in particular some Islamist kept posting links to khilafah.com articles. These were truly scary reading material, very professionally produced with a lot of erudite writers and a large following. More than anything else these articles woke me up to the threat that Islamic thought poses with the most expansionist and supremacist teachings being not a mere historical curiosity but underpinning a large movement of Muslims striving hard for them.
The Islamic Terror Orchestra
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- Written by Nonie Darwish
- Hits: 4235
It has been 13 years since 9/11 and the West is still reluctant to link the non-ending parade of jihad groups with Islam. The West is also in denial about the similarities all radical Islamic groups share. It is important for the West to realize that there is a natural division of labor between the different terror groups. Some groups specialize in terror against non-Muslims and Western governments while others specialize in terrorizing Arab governments that refused to follow Sharia. But the truly sophisticated groups are those who reside in the West, calling themselves ‘moderate’ while at the same time defending and controlling the direction of Islamist goals through advocacy, diplomacy, negotiation and PR.
A New Qur'an
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 3778
I was reading an article written by Islamic critic Mu’min Salih about how the Arabs did not think highly of the language of the Qur’an, while, at the same time, we see Muslims who do not know Arabic praise the “high level” language of the Qur’an!
At the end of the article, Salih provided some links to new “out of the oven” Suras written by different people of our age. When I saw such wonderful Suras, my “Eeman” (faith) increased, and I thought it would be nice to have a posting that has some links to the wonderful Suras written by the “prophets” of our age.
Readers are encouraged to provide more links to more “Suras” and “Verses”. I will update this posting with the added links from readers incorporated into it. Thank you in advance.
The following are some of the many Suras posted on the Internet by Arabs:
4. http://suralikeit.com/ (12 Suras from Wahi “revelations” so far. Angel Jebraeel is not finished yet..)
O Islamophobic Kafers! Do Not Criticize Islam before Knowing the Noble Teachings of Islam Fully, Part 1
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- Hits: 10551
Recently, I noticed most western social media making fun about a Saudi Sheikh, who was killed years ago by a donkey while he allegedly tried to sodomize the poor animal.
Never criticize Islam without knowing its noble teachings fully
Muhammad the Criminal Mastermind of Arabia and Allah His Imaginary Slave
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 17992
The supposed God of the Universe must be of Moral Perfection, so would His representatives on earth. Allah duly claims the same about Prophet Muhammad in the Quran. Therefore, the Hadiths would outline a character and personality of Muhammad that would be of moral perfection. If there is anything said in the Quran or any character and personality traits of Muhammad in the hadiths lacks moral perfection, that would negate the Quran to be the word of God , and Muhammad's claims of being the Prophet of God. In other words, if any words or deeds of Muhammad in authentic hadiths shows him spreading unjustified hatred of non-Muslims, unjustified degradation or denigration women or any other human beings, unjustified act of violence, unjustified act of leading or ordering or planning wars, let alone ordering murders, massacres, rape, enslavement, booty, child molestation, sex slavery, stoning, maiming, terror, torture invoking the name of God, then Muhammad could not be a prophet of God but a fraud.
A Florida Grown-Up American Jihadi's Journey to Allah's Whore House
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 9558
The amazing power of Islam to create destructive monsters out of normal people.
Norway Deports Islam Critic Imran Firasat to Spain
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 9144
It seems it is Imran Firasat's sin that he is not a deadly Jihad terrorist like Mullah Krekar seeking to destroy the West. Had he been one, he would have found refuge and protection in Norway or any other Western country. Instead, he chose to abandone Islam because of its violent nature and become a passionate critic of the terrorists like Mullah Krekar and their deadly ideology. As a result, there is no place for Imran Firasat in Spain or Norway, and probably nowhere in Europe.
We reported recently that Imran Firasat—having lost his final appeal at the Spanish Supreme Court for the reinstatement of his refugee status, which the Spanish government had revoked two years ago for making the film the Innocent Prophet—recently moved to Norway and sought asylum there, as the Spanish police was looking for him to process his deportation to Pakistan or Indonesia, where he faces execution for apostasy and criticism of Islam.
We also informed that the Norwegian authorities, ignoring his asylum request, detained him and was trying to deport him in a hurried manner.
And indeed he was deported on Monday afternoon to Spain without giving his lawyer sufficient time to contest his deportation in court.
“This seems cynical and as if there is no interest to take into account the fact that this is a unique situation,” said attorney Heidi Bache-Wiig.
Norway, a Safe Haven for Al-Qaeda Allied Terrorist Leader Mullah Krekar, Not for Islam Critic Imran Firasat
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 7228
Imran Firasat, the Pakistani-born ex-Muslim critic of Islam and film producer, whose last resort to stay in Spain as a refugee was rejected by the Spanish Supreme Court in June, traveled to Norway—a country with distinguished record in offering shelter to people on humanitarian grounds—in the hope of finding refuge there.
But Norway, which even refuses to extradite the dangerous Al-Qaeda allied terrorist leader Mullah Krekar to Iraq, lest he would be executed in his home country, is refusing to offer asylum to Imran Firasat, and is instead set to deport him back to Spain, when Spain is preparing to deport him to Pakistan or Indonesia, where he is almost certain to suffer death under law or mob justice.
About Mullah Krekar
Krekar is the founding leader of the Al-Qaeda allied Iraqi terrorist group Ansar Al-Sunnah, which has carried out countless terrorist attacks and massacres in Iraq. He is listed as a terrorist by the UN and the US State Department. In 2003, the Norwegian High Court judged him a "danger to national security" (also by the Norway Supreme Court in 2008) and he was ordered to be deported in February 2003. In 2005, Iraqi justice minister also sought his extradition to Iraq to face justice for terrorist activities.