Tit for Tat: Satan Hits Back at Allah's Stone-Throwing Hajj Pilgrims at Mecca
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 94192
After bearing, in humble patience, 5000 years of abuse and stone-throwing by Allah's (God's) followers at the Hajj Pilgrimage, Satan finally says, 'Enough is Enough' and throws back the stones at the Hajj pilgrims at Mecca, causing considerable death and distress to the holy pilgrims, with Allah failing to save them. [Satire]
"Veiled Atrocities" and America's Alliance with Saudi Arabia
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- Written by Phillis Chesler
- Hits: 8382
Phillis Chesler's review of Sami Alrabaa's book, "Veiled Atrocities" (Prometheus Books), and why America's friendship with Saudi Arabia is morally abhorrent and indefensible...
Muslim Tidbits
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 10458
An update on latest Islamic tidbits, from Barack Hussein Obama's humble bowing to the Saudi King to Fort Hood shooting massacre.
Torn Between Islam & Hindu Lover: A Muslimah's Fear of Freedom
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 7947
How a skeptical and freedom-loving Muslim girl is torn between her love for a Hindu boy and her Islam/family with Dr. Ali Sina's advice.
Sexual Slavery and Concubinage in Islam
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- Written by Fakhour
- Hits: 16582
Horrible practices and institutions, such sexual slavery and concubinage, are spelled out loud and clear in the Quran and hadiths, but even the most decent of Muslims, who would abhor such practices as much as anyone else, also fail to grasp that such things exist in Islam.
‘Is Allah Brothel Keeper?’: Former Indian Law Minister, Ram Jethmalani
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9693
According to Sify.com and other Indian media outlets, Ram Jethmalani, the former Indian Union Law Minister and a self-confessed maverick legal hawk, ignited a controversy at an International Conference of Jurists on Terrorism in New Delhi, by inferring that Islam's jihadi doctrine may render Islamic God a "brothel keeper".
Al-Qaeda Imprints All Over the Fort Hood Shooting Massacre
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- Written by Arthur Hu
- Hits: 7176
Imprints of al-Qaeda inspired Islamic Jihad is all over the case of Major Nidal Malik Hasan's mass-murder rampage in Fort Hood, Texas, but everybody, fron President Obama down, is wilfully determined to ignore them.
Islam at the Root of Fort Hood Massacre
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- Written by Amber Pawlik
- Hits: 5863
Some people, although not many, are of the belief that Nadil Malik Hasan, the man who opened fire on his fellow soldiers at Fort Hood, was a soldier who just snapped, completely out of the blue, and that his actions has nothing to do with his faith, Islam.
The Fallacy & Danger of Equating Islam with Other Religions
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- Written by Bill Warner
- Hits: 8811
Many well-meaning Westerners and infidels tell us that Islam is just an ancient religion with outdated ethical concepts like many others, or that Islamic scriptures contain violence passages as does other scriptures. Why such judgement is fallacious and what it entails to the future of our civilization???
Islam Bashers Repent
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5691
What does it take to make Islam bashers mend their ways? Why don’t these folks come to their senses and see Islam as a "religion of peace" and praise the God of Abraham for continuing his beneficence on humanity by sending Muhammad to guide and humanize us?
Jihad: The Islamic Just War Doctrine!
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- Written by Brokaan
- Hits: 13630
The Islamic concept of Just War (aka Jihad), and why there is always a pssibility that a Muslim warm up to it and commit massacre as did Major Nidal Malik Hasan at Fort Hood, Texas.