Jewish and Christian Parents with Converted Muslim Children: 'You Are Worst of Creatures in Their Eyes'
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 27703
How Muslims in America React to Trump Presidency: With Restraint and Moderation, or Fascistic Islamic Zeal?
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 18875
After eight years of an Administration that refused to put 'Islam' and 'terrorism' in the same sentence, Americans have elected a President who has no qualms about calling a spade a spade – even if it ruffles a few feathers.
The new U.S. President has promised to engage in “extreme vetting” to ensure the safety of Americans from potential terrorist immigrants from Muslim countries. There is even a bill before Congress that would designate the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates as terrorist organizations. That would signal the end of CAIR, ISNA, and other MB organizations – or at least in their current forms.
In response to all of this, have Muslims resolved to lay low for a while or throttle back their militancy? Not at all. In fact, one of the principal organizations of Islamic jurisprudence in the U.S. – the Assembly of Muslim Jurists in America – has issued a fatwa (legal edict) with a militant undertone calling for redoubling piety and adherence to Sharia Law, Islam’s fascistic legal code.
Support Us, Be a Patron for Islam-Watch
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 21006
Dear friends and supporters.
You must be aware that islam-watch team have been producing audio-video content on the theology of Islam and on the life of its founder (Our video channel). Audio-video contents have emerged as a more effective and popular medium for spreading the truth about Islam, especially because Muslim countries have effectively blocked all the websites and blogs that are critical of Islam. But they cannot ban Youtube, Facebook and other powerful audio-visual content sharing sites.
Our first animation movie ‘Aisha and Muhammad’ has become a big success with ~450,000 views in all so far and rapidly growing. So, we want to produce 3 more parts, about 30-40 min each, to animate the whole story of little Aisha’s sufferings and abuses at the house of Islam's supposed prophet. Once completed, this movie will be a very powerful tool for showcasing the real face of Muhammad, his treatment of women and a rough overview of the true face of Islam as a whole. We are aiming to release the second part of the movie in 5-6 months.
But producing animation movies requires lots of money for paying the voice-givers, technicians and artists. Your generous financial pledges can help us complete this movie and probably a lot more. Humankind’s struggle against the Islamic scourge is going to last generations. With your help, we can contribute a lot more to this struggle in addition to what we have already contributed over the past 11 years at great personal sacrifices.
We are therefore urging you to make a pledge of monthly contributions, whether $2, $20, $50, or more – they will go a long way to help us make effective contributions in this mother of all battles of humanity.
Be a patron for us and support our work at:
Spotting Militant Muslims Among the Moderates
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 22123
There is no shortage of articles about the “myth of the moderate Muslim” on the Internet. Either these people don’t exist, or they are sadly misunderstood by the Islamophobes. Many Muslims (and their defenders) profess to be moderates who present no threat to Americans.
But there’s no denying there are militant Muslims among them. A militant Muslim is one who has a combative character, intent on advancing Islam. Here are the inconvenient facts:
- 81 percent of U.S. mosques promote violent jihad against non-Muslims.
- Of the 62 Muslim terrorists arrested in the U.S. last year, more than half were immigrants or their children despite vetting by the Department of Homeland Security. (Source: )
- Only about one-fourth of the planned Islamic terror attacks since 2001 were thwarted by tips from within the Muslim community, even though all originated within that community. (Source: Peter Bergen, “United States of Jihad,” page 218) Muslims are obligated to lie to protect Islam or Muslims per “Reliance of the Traveller,” section r8.2.
Islam's Non-Believers (movie)
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 29361
A brilliant documentary on the growing and determined, but extremely dangerous, even tragic, battle of ex-Muslims around the world.
24 reasons to challenge “Islamophobia-phobia"
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 17029
I recently came across “24 reasons to challenge Islamophobia” at the bottom of a silly article in the HuffPo (Ca) which claims to debunk “myths about Islam” by the use of … myths (in the sense of “total fabrications”).
The “24 reasons...” just pictures with snappy captions, so I've decided to reply one by one.
As we should all know by now “Islamophobia” means “critique of Islam” as well as “anti-Muslim bigotry”.Once more let me be clear here. In what follows I am referring solely and exclusively to the “critique of Islam” part of “Islamophobia” and not the (falsely) conflated “anti-Muslim bigotry” part which I always condemn, as I'm doing here again.
Okay, with that out of the way and since all the captions start with “Challenge Islamophobia because” we'll take that as read:
#1. ...I could be your sister, daughter, friend.
Clearly the intent here is to ensure that the “sister, daughter, friend” never has to defend – or fail to - the barbaric aspects of Islam. Put another way “I'm Muslim, don't challenge me!”
#2. … we are humanity.
An interesting one. Note what it does not say, there is no “part of”. This reads like an exclusive claim to humanity which does not include the “najjis Kaffir” (filthy non-Muslim) who is lower than a microbe.Oops! Islamic supremacy leaking out here methinks.
Do some Muslims really tell Muslims “Knock off the Jihad crap”?
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 12213
It is not often that I find myself in disagreement with Louis Palme, but in his article “Muslims to Muslims: “Knock off the Jihad crap!” I find things with which to take issue.
Before I do, however, let me on one level concede his point: there are Muslims who would want the “radical/extremist”, that is orthodox, Muslims to “knock off the Jihad crap”.
Some of them will even want the orthodox to do so for reasons with which non-Muslims would concur, others for reasons more soundly based in Islamic Theology on the grounds that 'terrorist' attacks in the west are likely, in their view, to have detrimental effects on the Muslim minorities therein.
Such minorities living amongst majority Kuffar populations are “in Mecca” in the sense that they lack the power to effect overthrow of the current governments and are at risk of the much touted but not materialising “Islamophobic backlash”; as such being peaceable is in their interests.
The orthodox, on the other hand, are “in Medina”. They believe that Islam as a worldwide concern has the power (however they conceive this) to effect sword-Jihad against the Kuffar for the advancement of Islam.
This is not the article for a detailed treatment of this topic, but the point I'm driving at is that there are 'good' reasons – Islamically speaking – for both points of view.
Muslims to Muslims: “Knock off the Jihad crap!”
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 13825
The pace of Islamic intolerance and terrorism has increased in recent years, much to the alarm of peaceful, nominal Muslims who want nothing more than to enjoy the benefits of secular, democratic societies. The retrograde forces include the Salafists of Saudi Arabia and the fundamentalists of the Muslim Brotherhood – both parties straining to preserve a submissive Muslim base in the event that Muslims gain political strength sometime in the future. (Ideologue Sayyid Qutb called this abiding with provisional rulings of the Quran until such time that Muslims can implement the final rulings, i.e., jihad.) Now respected Muslims are saying, “Enough is enough”. They are urging Islamic scholars to, once and for all, rid the ideology of its 7th Century calls for perpetual warfare against non-Muslims (jihad) and its draconian Sharia Law. Here is what Muslims are telling to fellow-Muslims:
Divorce and Polygamy – Islamic style
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 8606
According to the “News Minute” the All India Muslim Personal Law Board (AIMPLB) recently gave a 68 page affidavit to the Supreme Court in support of polygamy and “triple talaq” divorce in the hopes of getting Islamic law and tradition protected on the grounds that any interference by the state would violate Muslims' fundamental rights.
The “Times of India” reports that Women's groups have “slammed” the affidavit.
And no wonder. Here are some of the more “controversial” statements made by the board as reported by News Minute.
“Personal laws of a community cannot be re-written in the name of Social Reform.”
What this means is that how Muslim men treat women is not subject to change. In simple terms “Long live misogyny!”.
Jihad: Holy War or Plundering Raid? Badr - The Greatest Jihad in Islam
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9298
The story of Badr -- the most glorious Jihad expedition in Islam!
Tropes about Islam
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 9161
Trope: “A significant or recurrent theme; a motif.” (OED).
“A common or overused theme or device.” (Mirriam-Webster).
In the west there are a number of such tropes about Islam that are widely used. What unites all of them is that they are false. Some are bare-faced lies, others are more subtle and contain various grains of truth within the myths and falsehoods. What follows is a discussion and a few examples of some of these.
The “Islam is the religion of peace” trope.
This is the Daddy of them all and so widely used that it has become a mantra.