Kidnapping and Forced Conversion of Aristocratic Hindu Princes during Muslim Rule in India
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 15354
It is well-known that Muslim invaders and rulers enslaved Hindus en masse and converted them to Islam to swell the Muslim population in India. There was another mode. Muslim rulers, given their large harems, used to have too many princesses, and found difficulty of getting suitable grooms from amongst Muslims to marry them off. So, they kidnapped and forcibly converted talented Hindu princes or aristocratic Hindu youngmen to marry off their daughters...
Understanding Circumcision or Genital Mutilation
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- Written by Jahanshah Rashidian
- Hits: 7074
Circumcision, or for non-believers "genital mutilation", is one of the most ancient rituals still practised in some societies. Historical background of this old ritual, as to when, who, and why it started is not precisely known. The practice varies from region to region and from epoch to epoch in its total or partial removal of the foreskin/clitoris for both sexes.
Amil Imani: A light in the gathering darkness
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- Written by Melanie Phillips
- Hits: 4783
Amidst rising anti-Semitism and scapegoating of the Jews worldwide, and as the current Iranian Islamist regime prepares to annihilate Israel and cause another Holocaust of the Jews, Amil Imani, an Iranian, stands out as a conscientious supporter of the Jews and Israel.
Hiding Your Assets: The Surprising Origin of the Burka & Niqab
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- Written by John J. O’Neill
- Hits: 30891
The practice of acquiring beautiful wives of others by the Muslim ruling class, following Muhammad's example as he had acquired Zainab, the wife of his son-in-law (Zayd), had forced Muslims to introduce all-covering veils in order to conceal their women from the prying eyes of the predatory Islamic authorities, assumes the author....
The Scapegoating of Jews
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5785
Almost everyone uses scapegoats. It is in our fabric. The word "scapegoat" has come to mean a person, often innocent, who is blamed and punished for the sins, crimes, or sufferings of others, generally as a way of distracting attention from the real causes. It is a potent human disposition to blame others for our failings.
Christian Burned Alive, Wife Raped, for Refusing to Convert to Islam: Emulating Islam’s Barbarous Prophet
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 9921
Muhammad, in following Allah's command, used to slaughter those, who refused to embrace Islam, and enslave and rape their women. This Sunnah, which has been in action throughout Islam's history to the present day, has been implemented again in Pakistan just recently...
Tarek Fatah and the Making of a Secular, Liberal Muslim
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6812
Tarek Fatah claims he is a moderate-liberal Muslim of the "hardened secular" variety, but his antics in his recent tirade against Wafa Sultan, an ex-Muslim critic of Islam, proves that Muslims, of whatever variety they are, can't just fit in liberal-democratic societies....
Bangladesh: Barbarous Attack and Massacre of Indigenous Hill-People by Military Forces & Bengali Settlers
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- Written by Bangladesh Hindu Buddhist Christian Unity Council
- Hits: 11141
The long-suffered indigenous non-Muslim Jumma people of hilly region of Southern Bangladesh recently came under new attack by Muslim settlers and the army, killing unknown number of indigenous villagers and burning their houses to ashes...
Famous Bollywood Stars to Renowned Politicians: The Victims of Islamic Love-Trap and Conversion to Islam
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 159882
A few instances of famous Indian Hindus, from Bollywood stars to leading politicians, who converted to Islam having fallen victim to Islamic love-trap or to practice polygamy...
Unusual Jihad
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 9741
Recent incidents of unusual Jihad---from killing bad Muslims as they pray in mosques to pedophilia Jihad---all following the examples set by the glorious prophet Muhammad...
America, Break Silence on Islam
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5645
Americans must hear the truth about Islam continually until they are completely aware of its dangers. Sadly, our religious leaders dare not speak up fearing they would be accused of intolerance toward another religion. Our academia, the university professors, left or right, dare not, because, most likely, they would lose their salaries....