Recent incidents of unusual Jihad---from killing bad Muslims as they pray in mosques to pedophilia Jihad---all following the examples set by the glorious prophet Muhammad...
Our prophet loved to behead and burn down bad Muslims... Here is very well known hadith:
Bukhari V1.B11.N626: “The Prophet said, “burn all those who had not left their houses for the prayer, burning them alive inside their homes.’”
Mashallah! Muslims all over the world love this sunna and engage daily in this jihad. Every day, true Muslims kill bad Muslims by suicide bombings, guns and beheadings, and burning them alive.
Here true Muslims are burning down bad Muslims
Here a true Muslim child is beheading a bad Muslim amidst cheers of "Allah-u-Akbar" (Warning extremely grumsome):
It is a sunna to destroy the mosques of bad Muslims. In our prophet's time, such a mosque, called Zarrar Mosque, was raised in Medina by a group of dissident Muslims. Those lily-livered Muslims were of the peace-loving moderate types, who did not like aggressive violence of Muhammad, and had refused to participate in Muhammad's Tabuk Jihad expedition.
Our Prophet took care of them after returning from Tabuk. He ordered their mosque burned down along with the those moderate Muslims, while they were praying in it...
The Quran talks about this mosque in the following aya:
YUSUFALI: And there are those, who put up a mosque by way of mischief and infidelity.
When a mosque fills up during Friday prayers, but stays empty during daily prayers, it indicates that the mosque is infested by moderates, who only pray on Fridays. Such mosques must be destroyed and the infestation eliminated.
One such mosque was in Rawalpindi. Eight mujahideen attacked this mosque during Friday prayers and blew it up with grenades killing over 50 bad Muslims including a military General...
Destroying such mosques is an important Jihad, and Mashallah our mujahideen brothers successfully blew up 7 mosques in Pakistan in 2009, killing over 366 bad Muslims and maiming over 900 for life. During the last 8 years, they bagged over 50 mosques.
366 killed in 7 attacks targeting mosques in 2009, over 50 mosques destroyed in last 8 years.
Attackers claim they are following Sunna
By Amir Mir ; 7 December 2009
LAHORE: Claiming responsibility for the Friday’s mosque attack, the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) said the Parade Lane mosque was similar to Masjid-e-Zarrar that was built in Madina by the munafiqeen, and was “demolished on the orders of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)”.
At least 366 Pakistanis have been killed while praying and 901 injured in the first 11 months of year 2009 in seven bloody incidents of terrorism across Pakistan, targeting mosques with the help of suicide bombers as well as explosive-laden vehicles.
According to the available data, over 50 mosques have been targeted since 9/11 either by the Pakistani Taliban or their like-minded jehadi groups like the Sipah-e-Sahaba Pakistan (SSP), Lashkar-e-Jhangvi (LeJ), Harkatul Jehadul Islami (HUJI), Jaish-e-Mohammad (JeM) and Jamaatul Furqaan claiming it is a sunna…
The December 4, 2009 armed attack targeting the parade ground mosque in the garrison town of Rawalpindi, which killed 44 people including 17 children, was the latest in the series. In one of the worst incidents of terrorism in recent years, a group of six fidayeen attackers belonging to the Tehrik-e-Taliban stormed the crowded Parade Land Askari Mosque close to the General Headquarters of the Pakistan Army during Friday prayers and sprayed gunfire at worshippers besides throwing hand grenades.
The December 4 attack on the Rawalpindi mosque was the seventh such assault this year, specifically targeting mosques. According to the figures compiled by the ministry of interior, the first such incident took place on February 5, 2009 when a suicide bomber blew himself at the main gate of Al Hussainia Mosque in Dera Ghazi Khan, killing 33 persons and injuring 54 others. The second incident took place on March 27, 2009 in which 92 persons, including 16 Security Force personnel, were killed and over 113 injured. The target of the suicide bomber was a mosque at Peshawar-Torkham Highway in the Jamrud sub-division of the Khyber Agency in FATA during the Friday.
Music is worse than alcohol. It pollutes the mind. Islam very strictly prohibits it. Many Muslims like to play music while making love. That is a sin. Instead, you should recite Arabic duas when copulating. When our prophet entered Mecca triumphantly, the people, whom he ordered killed immediately, included singing girls. Here is a video, which shows an example how singing Muslims must be killed even if the occasion is a wedding ceremony and the singer is the bridegroom.
Fondling is a blissful sunna specially when done while fasting. Our prophet loved fondling his wives during fasts even when they were menstruating.
Bukhari,Volume 1, Book 6, Number 299:
Narrated 'Abdur-Rahman bin Al-Aswad: (on the authority of his father) 'Aisha said: "Whenever Allah's Apostle wanted to fondle anyone of us during her periods (menses), he used to order her to put on an Izar and start fondling her." 'Aisha added, "None of you could control his sexual desires as the Prophet could."
Bukhar, iVolume 1, Book 6, Number 300:
Narrated Maimuna: When ever Allah's Apostle wanted to fondle any of his wives during the periods (menses), he used to ask her to wear an Izar.
Here is a fasting Muslim who successfully fondled an invalid girl and got extra credits towards 72 virgins…:
A Fasting Muslim guilty of squeezing disabled young lady's breasts
Article from: AAP; December 03, 2009
A SYDNEY taxi driver repeatedly squeezed the breasts of a disabled female passenger...
A fasting Muslim Abdul Magid Qazizada testified that he was a practicing Muslim, who had been fasting because it had been Ramadan, a time "when men are not allowed to touch their wives" (but are allowed to touch infidel women). Apparently the horny Muslim man, whose wife would not let him touch her in Ramadan, enjoyed himself when he saw a shapely infidel lady (his prophet used to grope his child wife Ayesha and slave-girls while fasting)
At Ryde Local Court, Magistrate Jennifer Betts today found Qazizada, 51, of Acacia Gardens, guilty of aggravated indecent assault on September 10.
The 23-year-old victim, a non-drinker who has cerebral palsy, uses a tri-walker for short distances and a wheelchair for longer journeys.
On September 10, Qazizada responded to her call for a taxi at a club in Sydney's north-west, put her tri-walker in the back and was directed by her to her nearby address.
She told the magistrate she became more and more uncomfortable during the trip, after the driver repeatedly said: "You are a lovely lady."
When they arrived at her home, he drove up the sloped driveway and she had difficulty getting out of the vehicle, she said.
The driver lifted her out but as she tried to get to her walker, he put his left arm over her shoulder and squeezed her breast three or four times.
She said she felt scared and said, "No, Please"".
As she still tried to get to the walker, Qazizada squeezed her other breast, and then squeezed both of them together about five times.
"As a result of those actions she felt pain in her breasts and became terrified," the magistrate said.
Qazizada then told her: "You are a lovely lady, have a good night."
The sobbing woman went immediately to her neighbor's house where she reported the assault.
Brothers and sisters in Islam, it is our jihadi duty to Islamize all kafir cities. What better way to Islamize them than by making the whole city a gigantic mosque and praying everywhere in Jamats in stores, on sidewalks and on roads. Islamist brothers have achieved that goal in Paris. Watch the video. Jazakallah Khair. Try to carry out this Jihad in your own city.
In this jihad, you fill your rectum with explosives and blow it when you are close to your target. The advantage is when they frisk you at the security-check they never probe your rectum and you manage to reach your target carrying your explosives.
Here is how a paradise-bound mujahid brother carried rectal jihad in Saudi Arabia:
Pedophilia is a blissful sunna because our prophet was a pedophile. He loved massaging his private part between the silky thighs of his little six-year-old wife Ayesha. His most favourite copulating partner was also Ayesha when she turned 9.
Hadiths talk of prophet’s thighing 6-year-old Ayesha. He thighed her, instead of regular sex, because her father Abu Bakr had prohibited him to enter her vaginally before she turned 9... But what about the many five or six year-old or younger girls he got in his 20% share of the booty. Their fathers and relatives were beheaded and gone.
This jihad of having sex with minor infidel girls is immensely popular amongst our true Muslims.
Kids go to serve sex in Dubai
(Ref. sheikyermami)
Hundreds of minors flown out to Gulf to dance in bars, provide sex, as Ramzan month of abstinence ends.
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For three days now, 2000 girls, almost all minors, have left for the Middle East, particularly Dubai, to feed the needs of a population starved of entertainment and sex, post the rigours of Ramzan.
The girls have been told they are being taken to dance in bars, but it is implicit that they will double up as prostitutes for well-paying clients. Another 1,000 will leave by tomorrow.
Of course, any attempts to do away with the customary child abuse will encounter resistance based on the example of Muhammad, who married 9-year-old Aisha (Sahih Bukhari 5.58.234).
Muslim Pedophile ‘Rape Gang’ Arrested in Rotherham
Opinionator; December 10, 2009
The despicable Muslim Rape Jihad continues in Britain. Once again young, vulnerable white British girls are plundered like war booty by Muslim men. For that is just what this girls are -- war booty -- as Muslims continue their invasion and colonisation of Great Britain bringing with them their contempt for the Western world and it's indigenous people, culture and customs - particularly women and girls.
The government and social policies of multiculturalism and appeasement have given Muslims a sense of entitlement to all things British – from sponging off taxpayer paid benefits to establishing no-go areas for white British to the rampant raping and beating of British women and children. Meanwhile the police and courts continue to coddle Muslims whilst the media keeps Muslim criminals identities frequently out of the front pages of national newspapers. Search for Muslim rape or rape jihad in the blogosphere – and the truth about Muslim crime quickly becomes glaringly evident.
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