Launching Articles
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 5863
Articles with which this site was launched on 20th November 2005 (page structure messed a bit).
When is Islam Oppressed? -- Abul Kasem
- Sense and Sensitivity -- Sher Khan
- Will Muslims Be The Cause Of The Armageddon? - Mohammad Asghar (original posting on 20 Nov. 2005)
Five Years of Islam Watch
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- Written by Abul Kasem
- Hits: 6128
A tribute to on its fifth anniversary...
Five Years of Islam-Watch: Is the Fire of Islamic Enlightenment Catching On?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 7935 turned 5 today. And editor M. A. Khan looks at the progress we have made in its mission....
Verses of Palestinian ex-Muslim Allah
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 8350
A mysteroius Arabic blogger created uproar in the Arab world by claiming himself God/Allah, and hurling insults at Prophet Muhammad. He turned out to be a 26-year-old Palestinian apostate, who was arrested and is, most likely, awaiting death penalty or mob lynching. Here are a few verses of the brave ex-Muslim...
Pakistan's 'Blasphemy' Disgrace
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- Written by Acharya S./D.M. Murdock
- Hits: 6287
It is simply disgraceful that in this day and age barbaric and savage "blasphemy" laws are on the books in any country on this small planet with its umpteen religious faiths, sects and cults, which frequently contradict each other. Technically speaking, it seems that we could "blaspheme" any number of sick man-made cults every time we wake up - or even while we're asleep.
Top Modern Islamic Lies
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- Written by Tanvir Kami
- Hits: 10962
Islam was born with lies to its followers and infidels. Now as Islam comes under increasing scrutiny, especially facililated by modern technologies, Islamists invent new lies to circumvent those criticisms of Islam. A list of those modern Islamist lies are enumerated in this essay.
Iran's Akhood Mafia
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 4765
The akhoods Mafia have a great scam going. They promise the ignorant fanatics the phony "paradise" of afterlife while they themselves enjoy their paradise of women, wealth, and wine on this earth. They are unrivaled in duplicity and heartlessness.
My Big Fat Sharia Wedding
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 7756
As Sharia law creeps into the West, it's time to take a look at how a Sharia-compliant wedding would look like...
Masochism: Another Psychopathology of Islam
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 12342
As we have heard, read and seen numberless ridiculous and absurdities about Islam, which has rarely, if at all, been found in any other religion, society and culture in history than in Islam.
Muhammad: A Curse for Humanity
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- Written by Anil K. Bali
- Hits: 9798
The likely untold truth about Muhammad's childhood and the curse he brought upon humanity....
The Lies of Infidelophobia?
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- Written by Acharya S./D.M. Murdock
- Hits: 5869
A response to an widely circulated article, The Lies of Islamophobia, which attacks the idea of Islamic hatred of infidels as irrational Western invention, when infidels outside the West have been and continue to be the worst victim of Islamic hatred and barbarism...