How Islam Breathed New Life into Slavery and Slave-trade in Europe
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- Written by John J. O’Neill
- Hits: 9151
Islam had a "decisive" role in the expansion of slavery in Europe...
Is Muslim Blood More Precious than Christian's? The Hypocrisy of Western Politicians
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- Written by Dr. Sami Alrabaa
- Hits: 5343
Six Egyptian Christian Copts were killed by Muslims as they were celebrating Christmas on January 7, 2010. Neither President Barack Obama of the USA, nor Gordon Brown of Britain, nor Angela Merkel of Germany, to name a few Western leaders, decried the crime nor condemned it. And have nobody (Christian) taken to the street to protest the killing?
West Bengal in the Peril of Islamic Jihad: Islamization and Jihadi Violence
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 20371
An alarming account of Islamization and Jihad violence in the state of West Bengal, India...
‘Allah’ Row in Malaysia: Why Christians Have Greater Rights to Use ‘Allah’ than Muslims?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6547
Malaysian Muslims' violent claim to use Allah to the exclusion of Christians is not only shamelessly illegitimate, but also portents a nightmarish sign as to where our world is irreversibly heading to...
Malaysia "Allah" Row: Allah is Muslims' God Only
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- Written by Donkey Kong
- Hits: 4922
Muslims say Christians, Jews and Muslims worship the same God, but the same Muslims would put sword at the throat of Christians for uttering the word "Allah" in their worship...
Islam's Incompatibility with Western Civilization
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- Written by Jacob Thomas
- Hits: 6713
Lately, more reformist Arab intellectuals have been addressing the problems facing Muslims who have settled in Western Europe. On Wednesday, 15 December 2009, an article appeared on the Al-Awan website with this title, “Muslims in the West: Lost within Modernity”.
Empowering Iranians to Dislodge the Mullahs
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 4993
The Cross: A Vanishing Kafir Symbol in Pakistan
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 9876
How the besieged and persecuted Christians in Pakistan have to live without public display of religious piety and symbols.....
Women's Rights under Islamic Republic
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- Written by Jahanshah Rashidian
- Hits: 6257
In 1936, Reza Shah prohibited the veiling of women in public in Iran. The clergy vigorously protested; women of the mercantile middle class stayed home, refusing to appear „naked” in public. Lower middle class and rural women began to work outside the home, most of them in small textile shops. It is the labour of women and children, with their small fingers, which forms the backbone of the carpet industry in Iran.
Punishment in Islam for Not Going to Jihad and Killing Kuffar is Hellfire
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- Written by Ayesha Ahmed
- Hits: 10532
Most Muslims think that if they pray five times daily, fast, give zakat and do haj, they will avoid hell. Not so fast. They miss the most important duty and requirement of being a Muslim, which is going to jihad and killing kafirs.
Israeli-Palestinian Conflict: What Could Jesus Do?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 6347
Some people may think that Jesus would have preached 'peace and love' in Palestine, had he been alive today, as he did to the Jews 2,000 years ago. But could he? Well, had he tried, his body might be found torn into pieces and thrown on the streets of Gaza (not by Jews, but Muslims)...