Turkey: An Untold Love Story and Islamic Barbarism
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- Written by Yagmur Dursun
- Hits: 23580
A Turkish Muslim woman tells the tragic "love story" of her sister, who, upon advice from local Imams, was stoned to death along with her unborn child.
Islamic Barbarism: Boy (15) and Girl (12) -- Apparently Lovers -- Killed by Acid Attacks in Afghanistan
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 16039
AFP is reporting that bodies of a 15-year-old boy and 12-year-old girl were discovered on Friday in wasteland in the Esfandi area of Ghazni province in south central Afghanistan.
Truth Be Told about Islam
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 16279
Truth be told: Violence is the animating force of Islam. Islam is a religion born through violence, nurtured by violence, thrives on violence...
How the Arabs Continuously Refashion Islam
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 10636
A few months before her tragic death, Princess Diana started dating Dodi Al Fayed, the late son of the Arab billionaire Muhammad Al Fayed. The relationship made the headlines for weeks and was a source of happiness, even pride, to most Arabs. It is very common for Arab men to date white British women, but Diana was a special woman, being a highly celebrated British princess. The Arabs’ happiness was short-lived and turned to anger after the tragic accident. Muhammad Al Fayed and the Arabs in general are still adamant that Diana was pregnant from Dodi, although forensic tests ruled that out.
A disappointed Pakistani Christian's Open Letter to Muslim Pakistanis
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- Written by A disappointed Pakistani Christian
- Hits: 9485
Pak Tribune ran an open letter of a disappointed Pakistani Christian about his torturous existence in the Islamic Republic of Pakistan...
Inbreeding and Resulting Genetic Disorders in Muslim Community, Part 1
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 26116
Effects of inbreeding and how its widespread practice among Muslims creates Muslim offspring with increased frequency of genetic diseases?
Hatred of Dogs in Islam: Did Muhammad Played Lord over Allah?
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- Written by Brokaan & M A Khan
- Hits: 53762
As Islamic hatred of dogs are criticized in the West, some people are trying to say that Allah didn't command to hate dogs, but it comes from hadiths. In fact, Muhammad's commands in hadiths regarding dogs do not necessarily differ from Allah's; and if they do, it's perfectly within the power Allah has ordained upon Muhammad as His equal partner in setting Islamic laws.
World-wide Opposition to Sharia Law
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 9593
The last thing Islamists would want you to know is that the practice of Sharia Law is actually outlawed in many countries, and it is opposed by Muslims themselves where they have a voice in the matter. Even among Muslim-majority countries, there are very few that actually invoke the draconian hudud penalties prescribed in the Quran. So while the debate over Sharia Law continues in state legislatures in the United States, it is informative to examine its acceptance or lack of acceptance in different parts of the world.
Can the Emergence of British Freedom Party Help Arrest Islamization of the U.K?
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 11046
As Muslims increasingly push for establishing Sharia law and Islamic states in the UK, the newly-formed British Freedom Party may help frustrate the Muslim dream and preserve the British polity and culture.
Punishment of Apostates in Islam is Death by Beheading
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- Written by Syed Kamran Mirza
- Hits: 20412
The Quran, hadiths, sira and Islamic history from the days of Muhammad to the present agree to this.
France: Islamic Jihadi Massacres Children
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 8504
Savagery by Islamists is carried out in the same ritualistic manner as they prostrate multiple times toward Mecca in tribute to Allah and his emissary Muhammad. Yet, from time to time, and much more often these days, the devotees of Muhammad manage atrocities that are beyond the pale. The massacre, in cold blood, of three children and a rabbi in front of a school in Toulouse, France, represents the ultimate in a most dastardly act, even in the shameful annals of this cult of violence.