Embrace Islam or Else: Prophet Muhammad’s Ultimatums to Foreign Kings
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 17229
Muhammad used to send threatening letters to foreign kings to embrace Islam, warning that should they reject his invitation -- they would be attacked and their kingdoms snatched away. He matched his words with actions.
Bizarre Saga of Pakistani Hindu Girl’s Abduction, Forcible Conversion to Islam, and Marriage to a Muslim Gangster
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 13941
Recently we have reported the case of the 17-year-old Pakistani Hindu girl Rinkle Kumari, a resident of Mirpur Mathelo of Sindh Province, who was abducted and converted to Islam. The horrible act was masterminded by the son of a parliamentarian from Ghotki district of Sindh. The case since has been unfolding in shocking manners.
Spanish Police Threatens Ex-Muslim for His Plan to Burn the Quran
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 9954
Imran Firasat, the Pakistani-born ex-Muslim settled in Spain – who recently created controversy by petitioning the Spanish government to ban the Quran because of its violent contents – is in the spotlight again. This time, it is over his plan to burn the Quran.
The United States of Islam
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- Written by Alexander Maistrovoy
- Hits: 11714
Arabic Caliphate is not a figment anymore: fragments of the Middle Eastern regimes will soon form a group of islands, called The Muslim Archipelago.
Is Israel an Apartheid State?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8805
There is absolutely no way to call Israel an "apartheid state", because it doesn't treat its religio-racial minorities -- namely Arab Muslims, Christians and Druze -- in a discriminatory manner that warrants such a label. There is no such complaint. Instead, Israel's Islamic Arab neighbour states deserve such an identification.
Which is the Apartheid State in the Middle East: Arab Countries or Israel?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8198
On the occasion of the Arab countries led observance of the Apartheid Week at the UN, in which Israel is portrayed as the world’s sole Apartheid state of our time, author Efrain Karsh writes that Israel is the only state in the Middle East that is apartheid-free, while the Arab countries are the true practitioners apartheid in terms Religious intolerance, Ethnic inequality, Racism, Gender discrimination, Denial of citizenship, Labor inequality, Slavery, Political Oppression.
Read Karsh's article here: The Middle East’s real apartheid
Contradiction in the Quran: Role of Muhammad according to Allah
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- Written by Ram Krishna
- Hits: 12874
Allah said Muhammad was sent for guiding people to Islam; He also said, Muhammad was not to guide.
Categories of Islamic Murder
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 32135
Modern civilized ethics stand on the premise that individuals hold certain inalienable rights, and the right to “Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness” are the prime amongst them. But, in Islam, murder as a divine sacrament of Allah, guaranteeing accession to paradise.
Pakistan: Christian woman shaved bald and paraded on streets, while Hindu girl abducted and converted to Islam
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 12695
The Times of India is reporting that a mob of Muslims brutally tortured a Christian woman, shaved her bald, and paraded in the streets of a village in Pakistan's Punjab province for her alleged "anti-Islam views".
LOVE JIHAD: Sufferings of Victims
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 15434
For female victims of Love Jihad, as if sufferance of coerced conversion and separation from cultural roots and family are not enough, many of them also have to suffer physical abuse and violence, sexual abuse and prostitution, and participation in Jihadi terrorism to the extent that many of them commit suicide.
"Religion and Rationality": Prof Parvez Hoodbhoy Debates Greek Convert Hamza Tzortzis
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 14129