In the article "Are American Muslims Better Than European Muslims, it was emphasized that there is essentially no difference between Muslims, no matter what country or nationality they belong to. Now we have a poll results at our disposal that proves our hypothesis correct.
In the said article, we wrote:
"A Muslim can never believe in the equality of non-Muslims with Muslims, equality of all races, equality of men and women, freedom of speech, press, and assembly. In Islamic thought, American Muslims are living not in democracy and freedom guaranteed by the constitution but under the tyranny of American non-Muslims: American kafirs. Only when American Muslims are living under Sharia Law will they be finally liberated and they will be living in true freedom. Their priority now is to overthrow the tyranny of American kafirs not by conquest since American Muslims do not have the number and power but by destroying the liberal democratic government by introducing Sharia Law through stealth jihad.
In conclusion, all Muslims – whether American or European – are fundamentally the same due to their allegiance to the same book, the Quran, as well as the same Sunnah. The claim that American Muslims are better than European Muslims is pure nonsense."
Nearly half of 600 Muslim-American citizens polled, who plan to vote in the 2012 presidential election, believe parodies of Muhammad should be prosecuted criminally in the U.S., and one in eight says the offense is so serious that violators should face death penalty.
The poll also found 40 percent Muslims in America believe that they should not be judged by the U.S. law and Constitution, but by the Shariah law.
Astonishingly almost half of those Muslims surveyed (46 percent) said they believe that those Americans, who engage in criticism or parody of Islam, should face criminal charges.
More shockingly, one in eight respondents said they think that Americans, who criticize or parody Islam, should face death penalty, while another 9 percent said they were unsure on the question.
7.2 percent of the respondents said they “strongly agree” with the idea of executing those, who parody Islam, and another 4.3 percent said they somewhat agree with it, while 80 percent said that they somewhat or strongly disagree with the idea. When those, who said they were not sure, are added, one in five Muslims across America cannot say they believe Christians or others who criticize Muhammad should be spared the death penalty.
More Muslim women (10.4 percent) than Muslim men (4.9 percent) said they strongly agree with the idea, while 12.4 percent of the women and 7.1 percent of the men were uncertain about the issue when Prophet Muhammad is involved.
Four in 10 said that Muslims in America should not be judged by the U.S. law and Constitution, but by the Islamic Shariah law.
A much smaller percentage said, they think the U.S. should establish an entirely separate court system to adjudicate legal matters involving Muslims.
Some 39 percent of Muslims said, they believe the existing U.S. courts should consult Shariah law, when adjudicating cases involving Muslims, while a plurality of 45 percent said, they do not agree with this idea. Asked if the U.S. should establish separate courts based solely on Shariah law to adjudicate cases involving Muslim, 21 percent said it should. Two-thirds of respondents – 66 percent – said that separate courts are not necessary to adjudicate Muslim issues.
9 out of 10 of the Muslim respondents said, they agree with the First Amendment. This contradicts with their answer to another question, wherein 32 percent Muslims were found to believe that Shariah should be the supreme law of the land in the United States (smells taqiyah).
Another shocking finding in the survey is that of how Muslims view the religious freedom of Christians. Asked whether Christian U.S. citizens have the right to evangelize Muslims, just 30 percent agreed Christians have such the right. 42 percent said, they do not have such a right, while 28 percent were "unsure" on the question.
One in five said, Muslim men should be allowed to follow their religion in America and have more than one wife, and 58 percent said criticism of their religion or of Muhammad should not be allowed under the Constitution.
Nearly one in three said, Israel either has no right to exist or they were uncertain.
These finding are based on Muslims answering the questions as such. Given that lying (al-Taqiyah) is a fundamental part of Islam, the truthfulness of their answer to awkward questions is suspect.
In sum, here in America, we have in our midst a well-organized people, who do not believe in democracy and freedom, equality of peoples and sexes, but in the supremacy of Islam and Sharia Law. The question, therefore, is: How are our so-called good American Muslims different from European Muslims.
Jake Neuman is the author of “Islam and Sharia Law Are Treason: Jihad Is Treason” and “Prophet Muhammad (AKA ALLAH): Monster of History.”
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