A German website has developed a scale to rate priests (up to the Bishop of Rome – The Pope):  http://hirtenbarometer.de/

By the same token, I believe it would be a good idea to develop a measurement scale to rate the Imams – mosque Imams, and other Imams who are placed in a leading position (up to the Bishop of Mecca – The awaited Mahdi!!) Now, it would be a good idea to think about what scale to use for such a measurement instrument. I suggest some “Yes” and “No” questions in the instrument, and some Likert scale-type items (this is a scale that goes from “strongly agree” to “strongly disagree”, or “very true” to “not true at all”, ..etc.

A more critical need is what questions to write for such a measurement instrument. This is why I am publishing this article. I welcome the readers to write some questions (items) to use in this instrument. Here are the questions I thought of using (additional questions in the comments section are an invited welcome indeed):

  1. We know that Ayesha was six yrs old when the holy prophet “married” her. Hence, Pedophilia in Islam is a good thing.  [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  2. If your daughter was nine years old, she is very ready to be married to an old guy pushing 60 years of age. (following Insane-Kamel, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  3. Looting Non-Muslims is Halal for the Muslims (following Insane-Kamel, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he attacked Bani Al-Mustaliq). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  4. Annihilating the Jews is a wonderful thing ((following Insane-Kamel, Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) when he annihilated all 3 major tribes in Medina, and beheaded about 800 men in one day, then raped the women). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  5. Raping women whose husbands just died in war is a good thing. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  6. Selling women for weapons is a good thing (just like what Insane-Kamel did with many of the Qurayza women after Muhammad and the Muslims beheaded their husbands and raped them). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  7. Giving your “disobedient” wife a good beating is a wonderful thing. (Qur’an 4:34). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  8. Beating your child to force him/her to pray when they are as young as seven or eight years old is a wonderful thing (following Insane-Kamel, Prophet Muhammad’s teachings). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  9. Having ghilman (young boys) with you in bed is a religious injunction. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  10. There is nothing better than having Multiple wives to have “good times” with. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  11. Prophet Muhammad was an assassin. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  12. Prophet Muhammad, unlike other assassins, was a good assassin indeed. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  13. Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) never harmed even a fly. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  14. Prophet Muhammad was a man of peace. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  15. Prophet Muhammad was a looter ( Hint .. Hint.. The Nakhla raid is a good example). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  16. Prophet Muhammad was a good looter. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  17. Prophet Muhammad never attacked anyone in a holy month (Hint..Hint..”the Nakhla raid”). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  18. If I am not happy with a man, I would kill him even if he is holding to the curtains of the Ka’ba (Hint..Hint  “ Ibn Khatal”). [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  19. There is no such thing as “Adoption” in Islam. (Hint..Hint..Muhammad made his adoptive son Zaid divorce his wife Zaynab. Then Muhammad and Zaynab got “Hitched”, and Muhammad canceled adoption in Islam. Arabs had a “mistaken” belief that when you adopt a child, he/she is like your own flesh and blood, but our “holy” prophet knew better. He cancelled adoption, then shacked up with his daughter-in-law. [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]
  20. Jizya is a great thing (Hint//Hint... Jizya is a tax levied against non-Muslims just because they are non-Muslims!!) [scale: strongly agree to strongly disagree]

The author welcomes any additional items (questions) to add to this instrument to rate mosque Imams.

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