Testimony of TechiSafi, a Bangladeshi Muslim, aged 17 years. He left Islam when he was only 15 years old. (wiki islam)


I was born and raised in a Sunni-Muslim family. I did not leave Islam all of a sudden. I was a firm believer until I started reading scientific,philosophical books-articles etc. I began questioning about God and his nature.

TechySafi -- bangladeshi ex-MuslimWhy does he not prove himself? Why did he create Satan? Does he control Satan? If he does, then how on earth am I responsible for my evil deeds? If he does not, then isn't he indirectly letting the Satan make me do all those bad things? These of course, due to my young age, were very basic questions.

I never knew there are other peoples out there who do not believe in religion,god,after-life etc. But the more I explored the outside world, literature, philosophy, the more I learned about religious beliefs. I was like, "oh my God, what kind of people they are!", "non-theists"! Then I began to ask, does God really exist? Got mostly two types of answer,

  1. There are lot of proofs and
  2. It's just a matter of belief

I examined both. Let me tell about those so-called proofs; I found no proofs at all. Personal feelings cannot be considered as real proof. The lack of knowledge to explain something does not prove something's existence, or many people believing in religion does not mean God exists. You don't have to be a logic expert to understand these logical fallacies, just with common-sense one can catch these fallacies. So what kind of proof I need? Proof that is falsifiable. If I say A have a cousin in another galaxy it will be a falsifiable statement since nobody can really test it through scientific method.

On the other hand, some people say God is just a matter of belief. Well, I do not think so. When I say, "I believe the earth moves around the sun" or "three spinning quarks make a proton", what I actually mean by "I believe" is that there is solid evidence, gained by using the scientific method, that proves the earth is moving around the sun, that proves the existence of protons. But when they say "I believe in God", the belief is different here. It is a belief with absolutely no proof behind it. It is just a blind belief.

For me now, religious miracles, the afterlife, etc are just fairy-tales. I do not believe in anything that cannot be falsified by using the scientific method. I just follow my heart. I do not need fear of the punishment or greed of the heaven to guide myself. Every human has a biologically evolved and almost rational brain, which is enough to help us decide what is right and what is wrong.

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