Spanish Supreme Court Gives Final Approval to Deport Pakistani ex-Muslim and Critic of Islam, Imran Firasat
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- Written by Soeren Kern
- Hits: 6132
[Below is an article by Soeren Kern on the approval of the expulsion of Imran Firasat by the Spanish Supreme Court, the final verdict on his deportation, most likely, to Pakistan. Imran also informs us that coinciding with the timing of Supreme Court verdict, the Spanish government also decided to reject his separate appeal against attempt of the police to deport him a few months ago. -- MA Khan]
Spain to Deport Pakistani Refugee for Criticizing Islam
The Spanish Supreme Court has ruled that a political refugee should be deported because his criticism of Islam poses "a danger to the security of Spain."
The May 30 ruling, which upholds an earlier decision by a lower court to revoke the refugee status of a Pakistani ex-Muslim named Imran Firasat, showcases how the fear of Muslim rage continues to threaten the exercise of free speech in Europe.
Firasat obtained political asylum in Spain in October 2006 because of death threats against him in both Pakistan and Indonesia for leaving the Islamic faith and marrying a non-Muslim.
Digging Out the Graves of Non-Muslims for Vengeance or Looting – A ‘Holy’ Tradition of Prophet Muhammad
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- Hits: 8104
Recently a Christian father in Egypt was murdered in broad daylight on the street in front of his son by the followers of the ‘religion of peace’. The killing itself didn’t become big news for the world community, as if it is the right of Muslims to oppress and kill non-Muslims in Muslim-majority countries. However, the incident became a news only after the Muslim barbarians did the unimaginable: They dug out the corpse of the murdered Christian father from his grave, dragged it through the streets, and mutilated it.
This incident will certainly be shocking to non-Muslims. It will also be shocking to most of the ignorant Muslims, who bang their heads five times a day, without ever knowing much about their ‘religion’. But had they known Islam, the ‘Religion of peace’, well enough, this incident would not have been shocking or unusual to them. It is indeed a Sunnah, the holy tradition of Prophet Muhammad, left to his followers to emulate for the eternity to come. There are many incidents during the prophet’s time recorded in Sahih Hadiths, wherein Muslims dug out the corpse of non-Muslims from graves as a vengeance or for looting.
Spain - Welcome Back to Al Andalus
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 10765
Supporters and friends of known Islamic terrorists are treated with respect with Spain and the Spanish judiciary does their bidding. Yet those, who criticize the terrorists and their Islamic ideology, are prosecuted.
Welcome to Spain, the 21st century Al-Andalus.
Islam’s Abhorrent Social Values and Well-meaning Westerners' Paradoxical Defence of It
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 9075
A bizarre story last week got my attention: California Governor candidate Tim Donnelly (R) accused rival Neel Kashkari (R) of being soft on Sharia because Kashkari spoke at an Islamic banking conference in 2008. Congressman Darrell Issa (R) came to Kashkari’s defense and shot back, “There is no place in any public discussion for this type of hateful and ignorant garbage.” That statement was over the top, and it indicates that “Sharia” is now such a toxic (or sensitive) word that politicians, both Democratic and Republican, are really nervous about its political implications. Sharia has become the new “N-word.”
Of course the present Democratic administration has gone to great lengths to avoid discussing the ideology of Islam – to the point that Islam and Sharia Law are virtually eliminated from the government lexicon. During the presidency of Barack Obama, many political conservatives have pined for the time when the government will be back in the hands of Republicans – who, they believe, will come down hard on the “creeping Sharia” they see slowly infiltrating our nation. Perhaps now is a good time to see if that hope is even realistic.
The Folly of the Middle East Peace Process
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- Written by Alexander Maistrovoy
- Hits: 8047
“Not only are they ignorant of themselves, they cannot avoid falling into a ditch or stumbling over a rock in the path (perhaps they are bleary-eyed from studying or just absent-minded); yet they claim to know about abstract ideas, universals, separate forms, primary matter, quiddities, and different modes of being – objects so phantasmal I doubt Lynceus himself could make them out.” -- Erasmus, In Praise of Folly (Folly, 56)
"The Peace Process" fell back into coma before coming out of it. No one except Obama and Kerry, of course, expected a different outcome – a miracle of sort.
Abduction and Selling of Non-Muslim Women as ‘Slave’: Boko Haram Upholds the Holy Tradition of Prophet Muhammad
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 16751
Nigeria has been the worst victim of Islamic terrorism for many years now with its Christian population suffering horrible death and devastations at the hands of Boko Haram Islamic Jihadis, the Nigerian version of Al-Qaeda. Thousands of innocent Christians – from school students to Church attendees to common villagers – have been killed or burned alive by the Boko Haram Jihadis in the past few years. A staggering 1,500 people were killed in the first 3 months of 2014 in Boko Haram violence. Sufferings of the totally innocent Christians at hands Boko Haram Jihadis have been such that the Christians of Nigeria—as I think—have only one way out of it, which is: Partition of the country like the 1947 India-Pakistan, but with a complete separation of the Muslim and Christian populations.
As of latest, a new dimension has been added to the sufferings of Nigerian Christians at hands of Boko Haram Jihadis. On 14 April 2014, Boko Haram militants attacked a secondary school and abducted 276 young girls. In another incident, 8 girls were abducted from a village on May 6, while 12 persons were hacked to death in a separate incident on May 5.
The latest in this abduction saga is the release of an hour-long video by Boko Haram commander Abubakar Shekau, in which he claims responsibility for the abductions and threatens to continue the same. About the abducted girls, he said:
“I abducted your girls... They are slaves and I will sell them because I have the market for selling humans. Allah says I should sell them. He commands me to sell. I will sell women. I will sell.”
He also said that he abducted the girls because they dared to accept sinful western education defying the dictates of Islam and the Sharia.
He added: “the abducted Christian girls have been converted to Islam” and that “they will remain as slave with us.”
O Allah! Give Hidayah (Guidance) To My Muslim Brethren
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- Hits: 8414
Those, who study the Islamic scriptures with open mind, would never fail to call to question the mental caliber of educated Muslims, particularly of Islamic scholars, as to how they could accept the extreme level of lunacy of their scriptures? Do they really accept such absurdities or are simply ignorant of their scriptures? Here is one such lunacy that I recently came across from the hadiths.
A few hadiths state that sins commuted by a Muslim in one week can be expiated by his offering of five prayers a day from Friday to Friday:
- Abu Huraira reported: The Messenger of Allah (may peace be upon him) said: Five prayers and from one Friday prayer to (the next) Friday prayer is an expiation (of the sins committed in between their intervals) if major sins are not committed. (Sahih Muslim/ Book 2/ Hadith 448)
- Abu Huraira reported that the Messenger of Allah (way peace be upon him) said: Five prayers and one Friday prayer to (the next) Friday prayer are expiatious (for the sins committed in the intervals) between them. (Sahih Muslim/ Book 2/ Hadith 449)
UK: Liberty GB Leader Paul Weston Arrested for Quoting Churchill
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 12046
Quoting from the great WWII statesman Winston Churchill’s literary work, for which he won the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1953, has become a criminal offence in the UK—as it seems.
Paul Weston, chairman of the UK’s Liberty GB party and a candidate in the 22 May European Parliament Elections, was arrested by the British police on 26 April for quoting a passage from Winston Churchill’s book.
Horrible Concepts about Non-Muslims in Islam, Part 2: Fasiqoon, Mujrimoon, Mufsidoon, Musrifoon, Al-Maqbuhoon & Al-Jahiloon
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 7623
In Part 1 of this article, I wrote about the terms “Kaffir”, “Mushrikoon” and “Zalimoon”, and showed how each of them applies to all non-believers in Islam, even though they seem to be distinct 'groups' on first sight.
I shall now consider other words used (primarily) of non-believers, though as we shall see, such words increasingly apply to “bad” Muslims.
Horrible Concepts about Non-Muslims in Islam, Part 1: Kaffirs, Mushrikoon and Zalimoon
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 12610
In this article, I intend to “get behind” the translations and consider various derogatory "terms" used in the Koran to describe people, who are not Muslim. In one sense, I will still be using translations to ascertain meanings, but here we will delve deeper, by considering the meanings attached to those "terms" and the linkages between them.
On Hate Speech
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 7502
About more than a year ago, a young lady at a prestigious high school contacted me with a set of questions about Islam. She was taking a graduation credit course for advanced students. She had to do a major research project paper. In planning such a project, she wrote a set of questions about Islam. She sent those questions to different researchers who are defending Islam, as well as to researchers like me who are critical of Islam.
One of her questions was: What do you believe “Jihad” is? Well, what difference does it make if I believe “Jihad” is good, or bad, or mean, or generous? The question was rather worded poorly. It was more accurate to ask what does Islam teach about Jihad? That is to say what meaning(s) of Jihad we find when we research the Qur’an and Hadith. What I believe Jihad is has no consequences and remains a subjective matter, and has no importance at all. What Islam teaches Jihad is in its authentic sources is of most importance. I clarified my point to this young student, and proceeded to quote from Qur’an and Hadith to decipher the meaning(s) of Jihad in Islam.