CAIR Loves Democracy – Islamic Style!
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 5191
On March 22, Corey Saylor, CAIR’s National Legislative Director, gave a forty-minute speech in Vacationland, Maine, on the topic: Is Sharia Compatible with Democracy? His dancing between likening Sharia to political democracy and hiding behind “religion” to oppose anything that didn’t fit his premise was enough to make one’s head spin. See the text at: But before we get into his devious arguments, let’s define the situation for those who haven’t been exposed to Sharia Law and CAIR.
Some Islamic Doctrines
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 8766
I write of “Islam” in this article. By Islam I mean the Religious-Social-Political-Legal system of “orthodox traditional (Sunni) Islam” – the Islam of Koran, Sunnah, Tafseer and Sharia.
According to (Sunni) Islam, the only legal government is that of the “Caliphate” and since that does not exist at present, all governments (whether “Islamic” or not) are, ultimately, illegal; irrespective of how closely they hew to Sharia.
Birmingham Court: Tweets Attacking Islam and Islamist Activist Not ‘Racially Aggravated Harassment’; Doctrine of Taqiyya in Islam Accepted
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8032
We recently reported that the Birmingham Magistrates' Court was to give its verdict on a case of whether or not Tim Burton, Radio Officer of the British party Liberty GB, caused “racially aggravated harassment” against prominent Muslim activist Fiyaz Mughal by publishing three tweeter posts.
Mughal is the director of the “Tell Mama” project that used to receive £214,000 government fund for monitoring and reporting anti-Muslim attacks in the UK. Tell Mama’s funding was discontinued after The Telegraph exposed Mughal of exaggerating anti-Muslim attacks following the killing of British soldier Lee Rigby in a London street by Jihadists.
After the exposure of Mughal, Burton’s wrote in a tweet: “I wish to report Fiyaz Mughal for being a mendacious, grievance-mongering little Muslim scumbag & I want my £214,000 back now”.
The other two tweeters were of similar tone, calling Mughal a “taqiyya-artist”.
Shame on Brandeis University’s About-Face on Awarding an Honorary Degree to Ayaan Hirsi Ali Due to Islamist Pressure
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 4605
For decades, I have been sounding the alarm about the ever-increasing menace Islam is posing to America and our way of life. Apathy, political correctness, and massive Islamic lobbying have successfully prevented the public from truly grasping the pervasive Islamic assault.
Freedom of speech, a right greatly cherished by a free people, is an area where Islamic forces are attacking with great effectiveness.
Individuals who dare to voice the truth about Islam, its barbaric sharia laws, and its savage practices are subjected to harassment, threatened with and subjected to ruinous lawsuits. Businesses and organizations with the slightest deviation from the Islamic dictates face boycotts and the loss of media advertising sponsors.
Concurrently, much of academia and many universities throughout the land are generously funded by Islamic governments and organizations to market a highly sanitized and distorted version of Islam to young, impressionable minds. Even at the primary school level, a hugely dishonest portrayal of Islam is included in books pupils are required to study.
Birmingham Magistrates' Court May Tell If ‘Islam is a Race’?
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 6891
In recent years, the defenders and apologists of Islam have frequently tried to equate the criticisms of Islam with ‘racism’. You speak unfavorably of the horrors that were committed by the prophet of Islam, you criticize any abhorrent doctrine of Islam – be prepared to be called a ‘racist’, a very abhorrent and even criminally culpable accusation in Western countries.
Islam is an “ideology”, more precisely a “religious ideology” of strongly political nature, and it can be embraced by people of all races and ethnicities. Yet, charging the critics of Islam as racists has become almost universal, particularly in Western countries. And a high-profile ongoing legal battle in the Birmingham Magistrate’s Court in Britain can settle the question of whether or not Islam is a race.
On 8 April 2014, Birmingham Magistrates' Court will settle the question of whether defendant Tim Burton, Radio Officer of the newly-formed ‘Liberty GB’ political party, has committed “racially aggravated harassment” to Muslim activist Fiyaz Mughal by calling him “a mendacious grievance-mongering taqiyya-artist” in a Twitter post.
Fiyaz Mughal used to run the ‘Tell Mama’ project that reported anti-Muslim attacks in Britain. After the horrendous murder of soldier Lee Rigby by Jihadists on a Woolwich street, Mughal was exposed for exaggerating the numbers and seriousness of “anti-Muslim attacks”, which resulted in the discontinuation of Tell Mama’s £214,000 yearly government funding.
Quitting Smoking is JIHAD?
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- Hits: 6905
Do our peace-loving Muslim brothers know that they are already contributing to Islamic Jihad? Whether or not they knew it, apologists of Islam and various Islamic websites state so. Controlling temper, assisting others, struggling with their own soul, and struggling to quit smoking also come under ‘JIHAD’.
These Islamic apologists and websites have been striving hard to alter the original meaning of the word ‘JIHAD’. They try to emphasize that the word ‘jihad’ means a ‘spiritual struggle’ and has nothing to do with the terror, aggression or violence on the ‘infidels’, and sometimes even on peace-loving moderate Muslims, who become hurdles in their way of JIHAD. The core message of the ‘noble’ Quran to its followers is ‘To kill and to be killed’- (in ‘Allah’s way’ of course). By wrongly portraying ‘jihad’ simply as a ‘spiritual struggle’, they are working against their own Quranic teachings.
Jihad means killing & looting of the so-called ‘enemies’ of Islam, expanding Muslim territories, converting non-Muslims by deception (Taqiya), and suppressing the subjects of the land.
Noah’s Ark and the Great Flood: Allah’s Killing of Billions of Human Beings
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7589
The latest paramount movie ‘Noah’, starring Russell Crowe, that depicts the immense death and destructions as per the “divine will” of God as accounted in the Bible and the Quran are raising protests in Islamic countries. Indonesia, Egypt, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain have banned the movie, citing its disagreements with the Quran or offence of depicting Allah’s holy prophets in images.
The Medina Charter – A Manifesto of a Band of Robbers, No Match for the US Constitution
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 7790
The Islamic Society of Orange County (Garden Grove, CA) recently sponsored and posted on YouTube a lecture by Salam al-Marayati on “The Medina Constitution”. Mr. al-Marayati is the President of the Muslim Public Affairs Council which is in the business of making Islam look good to non-Muslims. His choice of the Medina Charter as an example poses quite a challenge in this regard because it was basically a pact among thieves. Undeterred by facts, Mr. al-Marayati extolls it as a “wonderful document”, and tries to compare it favorably with the US Constitution. Here is a link to an English version of that Charter:
How Zakat, the Islamic ‘Charity Tax’, is to Be Used According to Islam?
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 7506
In my previous article “Bribery in Islam” I delved into just one aspect of this use: the use of Zakat as a bribe to non-Muslims for conversion or to influence them to act in a manner that benefited Islam in some way.
I was taken to task by the commentator who writes as “....” and whom I call “Dotty” for a number of omissions relating to other uses of Zakat and at the time I conceded that he had a point.
This article is to make good those omissions.
Prophet Muhammad – An Epitome of Moral Perfections or Paragon of Evil?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 9796
For Islam to be true, both Muhammad and his supposed God must be of moral perfection as conceived by the human conscience. In fact, the Quran, the holy book of Islam, does claim that Muhammad was the perfect human being ever created:
"Ye have indeed in the Apostle of God a beautiful pattern (of conduct) for any one whose hope is in God and the Final Day, and who engages much in the Praise of God." (Quran 33:21)
Therefore, Muhammad is expected to the “Paragon of Moral Perfection” as per Islam’s own claim. Also in the following verses, Allah endows moral greatness upon Muhammad:
The Quranic Basis for Lee Rigby's Murder – According to His Jihadi Killers
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 8175
Below is a hand-written note given by Michael Adebolajo aka “Mujahid Abu Hamza” (translated “Allah’s soldier [and] father of Hamza”) to a passer-by after he and Michael Adebowale aka “Ismail Ibn Abdullah” (translated “Ismail son of the slave of Allah”) had mutilated and murdered Gunner Lee Rigby. It was used as evidence at their trial.