Ten Reasons Why Muhammad Was a False Prophet?
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 64158
There are way too many reason to nullify Muhammad's claim of being a prophet of God. Here are 10 reasons:
Muslim and Proud -- Prophetic and Quranic Style
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 7982
It is not uncommon to see someone in the neighborhood, who makes the claim that he/she is a Muslim, and proud of it. Sometimes, I see comments on articles in FaithFreedom.org and Islam Watch website, under the nick “Muslim & Proud”. In this article, I try to understand this statement based on a straightforward look at the basic facts found in the Sirat, Hadith, and Qur’an.
What 'Freedom of Religion' Means to Muslims?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 10690
In his speech accepting the Republican nomination for Presidency on August 30th, Mitt Romney stated: "I will guarantee America's first freedom – freedom of religion."
Thirty-Two Sins of Muhammad
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 27726
A new book has been published in German and English by author Zahid Khan, titled “The Criminal Acts of Prophet Mohammed.” The author demonstrates that Muhammad, instead of being a true Prophet of God, was misguided by his own evil pursuits and ambitions. His success was not due to the depth of his religious insights, but rather due to animating thousands of idled Arabs by the prospect of spoils and sex-slaves on earth and even more virgins and material pleasures in the hereafter.
Islamic Guideline for Wife-Beating and Wife’s Post-Beating Behavior
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 6884
Allah has ordered Muslim husbands to beat the crap out of his wives (word used is “scourge”, meaning “whip”) for insubordination or disobedience. Thus when a kinky husband demands sex from his wife on a camel’s back and she refuses it, it is insubordination on her part, and the husband is permitted by Allah to flog her like a slave... (Quran 4:34)
Muhammad's Recipe for Creating Islam: Hatred, Wrath, Booty, Supremacy....
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8250
Democratic Party’s ‘Islamic National Congress’ at Charlotte
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 6029
The Democratic Party should be commended for defending the rights and liberty of women against the so-called declaration of war on women by the Republican Party. But they also deserve greater condemnation for promoting, with great fanfare and extravaganza, the Islamic declaration of war not only on women, but also on all non-Muslims of the world by organizing a giant Jumah prayer congregation at its National Convention to be attended by 20,000 invited Muslim devotees.
Does the Soul Exist? The Quranic and Scientific Perspectives
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- Written by Syed Kamran Mirza
- Hits: 5864
This is re-posting of a classic article by our author Syed Kamran Mirza: Does the Soul Exist? The Quranic and Scientific Perspectives
Pakistan -- The Best ‘Islamic Terrorist State’ Award Winner
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 8467
Wherever terrorist attacks happens in the West -- Asia, Europe, America, Australia, or Africa -- all are linked to Pakistan in one way or another...
The Reason Why Muslims Become Terrorists
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- Written by Y.M.
- Hits: 22515
A few months ago in Pakistan, in the Provincial assembly of Sindh, the former Interior Minister Rehman Malik had presented the report on the assassination of the late Benazir Bhutto. Mr Malik in his presentation highlighted the name of the Madrassa and his Qari (Religious Teacher) and he also stated that the killer received Islamic education of martyrdom (terrorism) in that Madrassa.
Putting UK's ‘Muslim Public Affairs Committee’ on Terror Notice for Inciting Violence and Political Jihad
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- Written by Imran Firasat
- Hits: 6178
The readers may remember my recent post, entitled UK Muslim Group Calls for ‘Political Jihad’ against ex-Muslim Imran Firasat, wherein I explained how a U.K.-based Muslim organization, namely Muslim Public Affairs Committee UK, was inciting violence against me and promoting what it called “political Jihad” against critics of Islam as well as Western societies. In order not to give any ground for these fanatic foots-soldiers of Muhammad, I pursued the matter in an attempt to put this fanatical violence promoting group to put in its deserving place.