A Collection of Atrocious, Gruesome Verses of the Quran
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- Written by Dr. Sami Alrabaa
- Hits: 33903
A collection of atrocious and gruesome passages from the Quran (the holy book of Muslims) does not qualify Islam to be called a “religion”.
Actually, the free world doesn’t need to post the so-called Danish caricatures or any fictitious artistic products to express certain views about Islam. There is no need for fiction like the latest movie “Innocence of Muslims,” by Sam Bacile, or the documentary, “Islam: Untold Story” by Tom Holland on BBC channel 4--both of which triggered a violent outcry in the Muslim world.
Islam is a Violent Political Party, Not Religion
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- Written by Dr. Sami Alrabaa
- Hits: 8130
In view of the fact that the Quran (the holy book of Muslims) contains atrocious passages (see below) which incite to killing mostly innocent people; Muslims and non-Muslims, and in view of the fact that it’s Muslim extremists who are terrorising their societies and the whole world, in particular in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Nigeria, Mali, and in Hamas’s Gaza, one can safely say: there is something wrong with this “religion”.
In addition, wherever Islam rules, also in Iran, Southern Lebanon (where Hizbollah rules) Somalia, and Saudi Arabia, oppression is the rule. There is no freedom of any kind; no religious freedom and no free media. It’s dictatorship per excellence.
Islam’s War for the Extinction of the Kafir Race
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 10620
Islam, under the guise of a religion, is a political tool for making the Kafir race become history, leaving the Muslim race to inherit the earth exclusively. And the Kafir race walking the same path rather willingly.
Allah, the Muslim God, has divided the human species into two races: Muslim and Kafir.
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam 3 – Shahada, The First Pillar of Islam
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- Hits: 16453
In these series of articles, I wish to scrutinize the authenticity of some of the day-to-day practices, which common Muslims follow with utmost devotion. Islam’s deceiving concept of Taqiyya has made it a very complicated matter to understand for what it truly is. Islamic literature is piled up with numerous ancient books, written in different ages according to the taste of the Islamic rulers of the time. By carefully studying these books, one can easily come to conclusion that the term ‘ISLAM’ is not about any divine religion, but absolutely a dangerous political tool for terrorizing the common people to suppression and subjugation so as to rule over them.
Studying Islam deeply and with an analytical mind is not an easy task. It requires heavy sacrifice and hardship on part of the authors to prepare themselves for writing books and articles on Islam. Honestly, I have spent more than 23 years in studying Islam, which still continues.
We, the common Muslims, have no interest in spending time to study this subject. Instead, we spend at least 2 hours in Mosques every Friday. I appeal to my Muslim brethren to spend a part of those two hours on studying Islam on a regular basis, instead of going to Mosques only. I’m not advising you to read books on Islam, written by infidels. Instead, read first the Quran, Hadith and Prophet’s Sira in a language you understand. By doing so, you are not going to sin against your Allah, because it will only help you understand what Islam truly is.
Radicalization of Islamic Nations: Brunei Quietly Goes Sharia
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- Written by Brunei Apostate/Ali Sina
- Hits: 8739
Brunei Darussalam is a small Southeast Asian Muslim nation, extremely rich thanks to its large reserve of oil wealth, about which we have covered little. Here, in a letter of faithfreedom.org’s Ali Sina, we hear from a secret Brunei apostate about how that country is quietly walking the path of Islamic radicalism and instituting Sharia as the system of governance:
I am from a small, majority Muslim country called Brunei Darussalam. For so long, we have enjoyed tranquility, peace, harmonious and acceptable tolerance towards other religion as well as each other (amongst Muslim). We are a rich country and everything is heavily subsidized by the government, hence, whatever law they impose on us, we have no objection, until now…
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam, Part 2
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- Hits: 8787
The general perception of us Muslims is that our religion is the best and only true one. So, the charges against Islam by Muslim apostates and other critics are baseless. We think that those charges actually are the handiwork of Jews and Christians, who want to ridicule and destroy Islam. We defend our Islam by its 14 centuries old survival mechanism and trust in our forefathers’ wisdom, who considered Islam as absolute divine and superior to all other beliefs.
If Islam is really a political ideology, then who are behind on its survival?
How Can Any Rational, Normal Person Believe in Islam?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 14327
On March 30th 2013, the New York Times ran an article asking the question: How can reflective and honest intellectuals actually believe this stuff, referring to the Catholic Church?
The piece instigated no riots by Catholics. No cars were fire bombed, and no fatwa was issued by Bishops calling for the destruction of the New York Times offices or for murdering their employees.
That’s their right to free speech, but the more pressing question that must be asked are as follows:
1) How any reflective, honest intellectuals or anyone can believe in Islam?
To My Fellow Muslims with Love: Revealing Real Muhammad and Islam, Part 1
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- Hits: 9340
This article is for the enlightenment of my intelligent Muslim brothers and sisters, from someone, who has gone 'astray' according to Islamic prospective. The purpose of writing this article is to reveal the 14-century-old deceptions, conspired against us—the common innocent Muslims—by the dictators, rulers and fundamentalists, whose livelihood entirely depends on our ignorance.
I have left Islam, but not the Muslim community. And I have deep affection and love toward my fellow Muslims, the worst victim of Muhammad’s Islam, which induces me into writing this article. At present, there are a number of ex-Muslim freedom fighters, who, risking their lives, fight the dangerous political ideology of Islam to rescue us—their fellow Muslim brethren—whom they deeply care about. It gives me great pleasure in mentioning the names of few out of a much larger bunch of those respectable heroes: Dr. Ali sina, M. A. Khan, Dr. Wafa Sultan, Ayaan Hirshi Ali, Ibn Warraq, Amil Imani, Taslima Nasreen ...and this list goes on and on. This multi-part article is dedicated to these heroes for their tremendous courage and affection toward their Muslim community.
Moderate Muslims Will Rot in Hell
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- Written by Sher Khan
- Hits: 8791
Yes, they certainly will! That is not my opinion, but that of Bogeyman Allah who has prescribed severe punishment for the Moderate Muslims.
Out of various species of Muslims, Moderate Muslims are extremely vulnerable to two diametrically opposed fates: (1) they have the potential to become ex-Muslims but (2) they may also regress into fold of “real Muslims” and end up driving the next car-bomb or wearing the latest Islamic fashion – the suicide vest.
More importantly, they live in a world of duplicity.
The Modus Operandi of Islam
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- Written by Anand
- Hits: 9226
Every religion has two parts – theory and practice. So does Islam.
The theory part of Islam is: Quran, Hadis and Sira (biography of Muhammad).
The practical part is: Daily 5 times congregational prayers, Friday congregational prayer with sermons, Jihad, Haj (a copycat of pagan Arab idolatry), and implementation of sharia law.
Shocking Interview with Iraqi ex-Muslim I. Q. Rassooli
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- Written by Clare M. Lopez
- Hits: 7950
The Iraqi-born native Arabic-speaker who goes by the name "I. Q. Rassooli" has lived in Europe since his university days studying engineering in England. His mind is an inquiring and a questioning one, characteristics not much appreciated among the conformist Muslim community of his origins. And so he stayed in the West and, for the next 23 years, undertook "as thorough a study of Islam as humanly possible," as he says.
His research and analysis about Muhammad, the Qur'an, Hadiths, Shariah, Arab and Islamic history, and a comparative, contrasting study of those with the Hebrew Bible, the New Testament, Zoroastrian (Persian) beliefs, pagan Arab religions and more culminated in a thesis that no publisher would print. Instead, al-Rassooli created a website, www.inthenameofallah.org that now contains over 780 chapters. He also put up over 280 audio/video chapters on YouTube that collectively received over 1.59 million visitors and 3,976 subscribers in the two years before YouTube removed took them down. Luckily, al-Rassooli had them all backed up on his blog site at www.the-koran.blogspot.com and he then put them back up on YouTube under another name. His website is at www.alrassooli.com