European Civilization Kneeling Down to Islam
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- Written by Farrukh H. Saif
- Hits: 4359
Islam has attempted to conquer Christian Europe since its beginning. In the year 654, Muslims invaded Cyprus. Immediately after that, they started attacking the peaceful Christian communities in the Mediterranean. During 711-788, they conquered the Iberian Peninsula, first Spain, then Portugal and Andorra, followed by the Southern parts of present-day Italy including Malta in 827.
However, Christian Europe prevented the Arab invaders from conquering entire Europe. They fought the Arab invaders tooth and nail, and eventually expelled them from the European continent. Islamic Arab invaders were able to enslave over a million Christian women and girls, who were sold to the Islamic territories. During their campaigns of conquest, they used to rape the enslaved women and girls, and treat them barbarically – the same tradition being followed even today by ISIS militants in Syria and Iraq. Islam, since its birth, has always been a religion of sexual cruelty.
The West Already Lost, but Islam Will Lose too
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 4402
The war that has been going on between the West and Islam is obvious to all except those Westerners who live in denial and refuse to believe their eyes. What we actually see is a new kind of war the like of which never been fought before. In fact the word ‘war’ may not be the right expression to describe what has been going on. In wars, the fighting is in both directions but what we see today is that Islam is fighting against the West while the West is fighting alongside Islam!
Islam will lose
Islam has no place in this age of the Internet because its true nature can be easily exposed. It simply has no strength to survive an intellectual challenge. The ideology was not well constructed but a random collection of myths and ideas that make no sense to any person with common sense.
Sam Harris and Maajid Nawaz on the future of Islam
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 4180
The primary requirement for solution to an ideological problem is to be honest about any inherent problems that ideology may have. Maajid Nawaz is one such aspiring Muslim reformer willing to recognize that Islam has inherent problems and seeking reformation of Islam on that basis. One may question whether his method will work or not, but we certainly can appreciate his honesty.
The Tsunami of Muslim Refugees into Europe – An Impending No-Go Zone for the Jews, Christians and other Non-Muslims
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 3393
Asylum seekers or Islamic invaders?
There has been an increasing infiltration of supposedly helpless predominantly Muslim refugees from the war-torn Middle East and North Africa into Europe over the months through illegal routes. But in recent weeks, there have been a massive surge in their illegal intrusion into Europe that has put the quantum of the intruders already on the shores of Europe to unmanageable numbers, despite tens of thousands of them being absorbed by Germany and Austria within a few days.
The fact about these illegal intruders is that they do not belong to the most helpless, desperate and vulnerable section of the masses in their home countries. Instead, they are predominantly from the well-off section of the society, people who can arrange for tens of thousands of dollars to pay the illegal human-smugglers and finance other costs on their complicated passage into Europe. People who can arrange that kind of money in those countries are considered well-off, and certainly not the poorest and most desperate. It should be noted that a vast majority of the well-off to rich section of the masses from the Muslim countries are willing to risk tens of thousands of dollars for the good life in Europe and other Western countries.
Aisha and Muhammad (Movie)
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 5503
The movie on the tragic story of little child Aisha... lives on
(This will be our future video channel on youtube. Also available at other links on youtube.)
When Prophet Muhammad Smiled and Laughed
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- Written by Mirza Ghalib
- Hits: 5937
Islamophobes unfairly show the rude and cruel side of Muhammad only. But he also has a soft and graceful side, a smiling face, which should be revealed to the world too as matter of fairness. Even Muhammad’s favorite child-wife Aisha indirectly told in anger that Muhammad was like a tyrant and never laughed.
Narrated 'Aisha: I never saw the Prophet LAUGHING to an extent that one could see his palate, but he always used to smile only. (Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:73:114)
Narrated 'Aisha: (the wife of the Prophet), I never saw Allah's Apostle LAUGHING loudly enough to enable me to see his uvula, but he used to smile only….” (Sahih Al-Bukhari 6:60:353)
'A'isha, the wife of the Apostle of Allah (may peace be upon him), reported: I never saw Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) LAUGH to such an extent that I could see his uvula-whereas he used to smile only….” (Sahih Muslim 4:1963)
But there were occasions when he did laugh.
The History of the Niceness of Muslims
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 4395
The Quran describes Muslims as being nice to each other and harsh against the unbelievers (Q. 48:29 “Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah; and those with him are forceful against the disbelievers, merciful among themselves…”). Some may argue that it is wrong and unfair to look only at the Muslims’ harsh side and make a judgement. This article browses through Islamic history attempt to see how nice the Muslims have been to each other. The following is only a small selection of events that come to mind.
The Quran correctly says that reminders benefit the believers (Q.51:55 “And remind, for indeed, the reminder benefits the believers”). Let us hope that this reminder helps the unbelievers as well, although judging from how the West is dealing with Islamic invasion, this only seems more like a wishful thinking.
The Rashidun (the rightly guided) Era
There are conflicting reports about the nature of Muhammad’s death. Some Muslims insist it was a natural death while others (including Muhammad himself ) believed he was poisoned by a Jewish woman (probably a convert to Islam). Some even accuse Abu Bakr and Omar of plotting to assassinate Muhammad towards the end of his life. The Muslims’ split regarding succession surfaced immediately after their leader’s death and remains unresolved up to the present day. Abu Bakr’s era was marked with the a blood bath ( the Ridda wars) on a scale Arabia never experienced before.
The Evolution of Muslim Mall Ministries
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 3094
Muslim street preachers and mall ministries are working desperately to connect with the American public. Their dilemma is that when they model their Salafist imams and handlers, they appear too much like the Islamic terrorists we have all come to recognize. Here is a dawah couple in a Los Angeles shopping mall just a couple of years ago.
Of course, the shoppers were scared off because the street preachers looked every bit like Khalid Sheik Muhammad, the mastermind of the 9/11/01 attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, and Samantha Lewthwaite, the “white widow” alleged to have been involved in the 2013 Kenya shopping mall attack which left 67 people dead.
In 2015, another group of mall preachers, dressed in thobes and headgear, offered free Qurans to the shoppers, but there were few takers.
Germany's Refugee Muslim Settlers: Here to Assimilate or Overtake?
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 6263
Brutalities of the Barbaric Sharia Law in Indonesia
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 5015
Many western Leftist intellectuals and media personalities are quick to cite Indonesia as a model of moderate, peaceful and democratic Muslim nation. A peep into what goes on there in name of Islam...
The Ideal Father-Daughter Relationship between Muhammad and Fatima?
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- Written by Mirza Ghalib
- Hits: 5199
Daughters of Prophet Muhammad
Muhammad had over a dozen wives and many sex-slaves in his harem. Only two of those women were supposedly fertile. One was the wealthy old lady Khadija, his first wife, whom 25-year-old Muhammad married when she was 40. The second fertile woman was the Egyptian Coptic slave-girl Mariyah, sent from the harem of the Egyptian king after Muhammad sent him a threatening missive, demanding that Muhammad be accepted as the king and prophet of God. Soon after arriving in Muhammad's harem, Mariyah gave birth to a son, who died after a few months. Islamic scholars claim that all the wives of the prophet, mostly in their 20s or pre-20s, were barren and could not bore him any children.
According to Muhammad's biographical scriptures – the hadith and Sira – Muhammad supposedly had four daughters, all of them from Khadija. But hadith scriptures give a high level of coverage of his very loving daughter Fatima, while saying very little about the other three daughters—namely Zainab, Ruqaiyyah and Umm Kulthum.
In Islam, Muhammad is deemed to be the perfect human being and the ideal father, leader and prophet. The Quran also identifies him as “excellent example of human character” for Muslims to follow until the end of the world. We can, therefore, assume that the relationship between Muhammad and Fatima was the ideal father-daughter relationship that all Muslims must try their best to emulate for all eternity. Let us explore the supposedly ideal father-daughter relationship between Muhammad and Fatima in this essay.