Mohammed's Flag and Seal
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 5281
The black flag of the Islamic State has become a familiar sight to Muslims and non-Muslims alike. The flag is not only associated with the Islamic State but with terror in all its forms. The black flag is not new; it has been in use for years by other Islamic terrorist organizations such as Al Qaeda, Boko Haram and before them by Hizbul Tahrir.'Heretic': Ayaan Hirsi Ali’s Case against Islam – Compelling with a Touch of Blasphemy
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 4327
Ayaan Hirsi Ali makes a compelling case for why Islam is incompatible with 21st Century realities in her new book, Heretic – Why Islam Needs Reformation Now. Her identification of the five principal Islamic flaws is well-documented and is also supported by her own personal journey as a former Muslim. Her book deserves to be read by both Muslims and non-Muslims because of her clear articulation of the failures of Islam.
Her “five theses” against Islam include 1) holding the Quran as God’s immutable word and Muhammad’s deeds as infallible; 2) placing more importance on the afterlife than the here-and-now; 3) holding Sharia Law superior to man-made laws; 4) the obligation of Muslims to command the right and forbid the wrong among their own family and community; and 5) the primacy of jihad (holy war) as a religious obligation. However, by her own admission, these principles are the glue that has held the community of Muslims together for 1,400 years. “Until Islam can do what Judaism and Christianity have done – question, critique, interpret, and ultimately modernize its holy scripture – it cannot free Muslims from a host of anachronistic and at times deadly beliefs and practices.”(p. 90)
Mohammed, First Among Equals
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 4387
It is common for Muslims scholars, or Muslims in general, to claim that Islam equally recognizes all prophets of the Abrahamic religions without making any distinction between them. They are more likely to make such claims on television or when there are Westerners in the audience, to promote Islam as a soft and tolerant religion. When necessary, they support their claim by referring to verse 2: 285 towards the end of surat al baqara, which is a Muslims’ favourite because its rhyme makes it easy to memorize and read in the daily prayers.
Q. 2: 285 “The Messenger has believed in what was revealed to him from his Lord, and so have the believers. All of them have believed in Allah and His angels and His books and His messengers, [saying], "We make no distinction between any of His messengers….”
Moderate Muslims' Jaw-Breaking Answers to Insulting Comments of Atheists, Part 3
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- Written by Washiqur Rahman
- Hits: 4147
An article by Washiqur Rahman, a Bangladeshi ex-Muslim and atheist, murdered by Islamic fanatics in Dhaka on March 30, 2015.
Insulting Comment 41: Whatever Islam demands to believe in and whatever evidence is shown in their support comes from the mouth of Muhammad. Besides that, there are no proof. Then how can one know what Muhammad said were true?
Jaw-Breaking answer: For 14 hundred years, hundreds of crores of the Muslim Ummah have believed the prophet. A liar can not attain the trust of such a huge number of people. That is enough proof that Prophet Muhammad said the truth.
Insulting Comment 42: A few hundred crores of Christians have believed for a longer period that Jesus was the Son of God. Does that mean their belief is correct?
Jaw-Breaking answer: It is no logic that something is true just because crores of people believe it. Is there any proof in support of their claim other than just their belief?
Ten Signs that Make One an Apologist of Islam
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 5165
After years of trying to educate non-Muslims about the dangers of the Islamic ideology, I have identified ten signs in people that makes them apologists of Islam. Some people have been fed half-truths by Muslims and others (including Muslim apologists) deliberately lie about what they know is a violent and intolerant religion. The best way to illustrate these points is to use A History of God, a 1993 best-seller book by British apologist Karen Armstrong, for documented examples. Ms. Armstrong is a former nun who can see nothing wrong with Islam, possibly because she shares with Muhammad a condition of temporal lobe epilepsy. She actually stretches credulity to defend the ideology. I am not singling out Ms. Armstrong – she’s just a convenient example. Most of the same apologetic statements below are made by a whole stable of authors, including John Esposito, Juan Cole, Reza Aslan.
Moderate Muslims' Jaw-Breaking Answers to Insulting Comments of Atheists, Part 2
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- Written by Washiqur Rahman
- Hits: 4228
An article by Washiqur Rahman, a Bangladeshi ex-Muslim and atheist, murdered by Islamic fanatics in Dhaka on March 30, 2015.
Insulting comment 21: Islam is claimed to be 'the best and the complete way of life'. Does that mean that slavery is valid for eternity?
Jaw-breaking answer: See, Islam is a humane religion. Slavery was not forbidden because of the situation of that time. But there scope for 'qiyas and ijma' (consensus and reconsideration) in Islam. That means any custom can be abolished.
Insulting comment 22: Why then Muslims are not agreeing to equal inheritance for girls through 'qiyas and ijma'.
Jaw-breaking answer: See, Islam is a 'perfect and complete way of life'. Its 'codes of life' has been formulated for the overall welfare of humanity. Islam has basically given women the highest honor. But you want to abolish the laws of Allah for the sake of inconsequential earthly benefits. This is not acceptable.
Ruqya: The Islamic Treatment Practice of Spitting on Non-Muslim Patients
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- Hits: 3876
In India, sick Hindu patients sometimes visit mosques to get cured by the incantation of Muslim devotees coming out of mosques after prayer. The Hindu patients have to wait outside the gate, as they are not allowed inside the mosque, because the Quran (9:28) calls them ‘Najees’ (i.e. Unclean). In some cases, Muslims can be generous enough to allow them inside the premises, but not inside the mosque. It is rather bafling that Hindus, more than 85% of the population in India, despite having hundreds of thousands temples to pray in, visit mosques in seeking ‘treatment’ for their illness. Ironically, Muslims themselves rarely visit mosques to seek cure for ailments. Is it because Muslims know well about the outcome of such incantations at mosques.
This type of incantation is called ‘RUQYA’ in Arabic. As usual, the idea of ‘Ruqya’ was not Muhammad's own, but copied from the Pagans and Jews. Hadiths attest the fact that the Pagans and Jews of Muhammad's time used to practice ‘Ruqya’ to treat the sick. (Malik 50:50.4.11, Sahih Muslim 26:5457-58, Sahih Al-Bukhari 3:36:476, 7:71:632-633,645)
Moderate Muslims' Jaw-Breaking Answers to Insulting Comments of Atheists, Part 1
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- Written by Washiqur Rahman
- Hits: 3888
The Muslims who shouldn't be
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 4087
Throughout the Islamic history there have been people who were better off with Islam, or even owe their living to it, but most Muslims would do better without their religion. People like Qaradawi, Zaghloul Najjar and Zakir Naik and thousands of others would have no place in a productive secular society. Had such people existed seventy years earlier, they would have enjoyed nothing of the fame and luxuries they enjoy today.Islam and Its Reformation by Muhammad
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 7825
Ex-Muslim author Ayaan Hirsi Ali has written an article, “Why Islam Needs a Reformation”, to summarize the message of her new book, “Heretic: Why Islam Needs a Reformation Now”.
Her new book seems to create the illusion that there are actually two different Islams – the Mecca Islam and the Medina.
What Ayaan Hirsi Ali does not realize is that Muhammad was not only the Founder of Islam, he was also its Reformer, and Muhammad's Reformation of Islam came in the form of his abrogation of the earlier Mecca verses of the Quran by the later Medina verses. This article traces Muhammad's journey from Mecca to Medina, and the attendant transformation of Islam.
Funny Ideas about Weekdays in Islam: Muhammad's Stupidity Knows No Bounds, Part 1
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- Hits: 4252
This article is about the funny fairy-tales about the weekdays of the Islamic calendar. It appears that Muhammad’s ridiculous ideas in the form of supernatural bluffs was boundless.
Before going into the details of the weekdays of the Islamic calendar, it is important to know about how Muhammad plagiarized even the numerical order of the weekdays from the Jews, apart from the numerous ideas he copied from the Torah.