Muhammad and His Crimes against Humanity
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 11200
What constitute crimes against humanity?
The International Criminal Court defines “Crimes against humanity” as any of the following acts committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack: murder; extermination; enslavement; deportation or forcible transfer of population; imprisonment; torture; rape, sexual slavery, enforced prostitution, forced pregnancy, enforced sterilization, or any other form of sexual violence of comparable gravity; persecution against an identifiable group on political, racial, national, ethnic, cultural, religious or gender grounds; enforced disappearance of persons; the crime of apartheid; other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury.
Islam’s prophet Muhammad actually committed or ordered each and every one of those crimes, and they are proudly reported in his most authoritative biography, “The Life of Muhammad” by Ibn Ishaq. The Quran asserts that Muhammad is “the good example” for Muslims to follow (Surah 33:21), but if he were alive today he would be arrested and put in prison in any country whose laws support the International Criminal Court. Here is the list of particulars which includes only one example of each of the crimes – although he was a serial offender in several of the crimes. Most of the illustrations below are from F. W. Burleigh’s new book, “It’s All About Muhammad – a Biography of the World’s Most Notorious Prophet,” and are used by permission.
Breast Feeding a Man, Re-Visited
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 3666
Recently, Dr. Ali Gom’a, the former grand mufti of Egypt, argued that the issue of adult breast feeding was treated unfairly by the media(1). He described Dr. Izzat Attiya’s ‘controversial’ fatwa in 2007 as principally correct but misunderstood by both the public and the media. He elaborated that a woman is only required to offer a glass of her milk to her colleague, therefore, no direct suckling involved. He also suggested that hormonal treatment can be used for women to enhance their milk production.Key Concepts Having Different Meanings for Muslims and Westerners
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 5779
In this article I shall address four key concepts as generally understood in the free western world and the Islamic world.
My experience when talking to Muslims is that when these (amongst other) words are used we “talk past each other” in that each is trying to convey a different concept to the other. Thus I might just as well have titled the piece “Western concepts misunderstood by Muslims”.
That said, I also have to acknowledge that some Muslim speakers exploit this disconnect in order to “say one thing whilst facing west and another whilst facing east”. In other words they use these “conceptual discrepancies” for the purposes of Taqiya.
The Western viewpoint. In the West “freedom” is used to describe a whole range of things encompassed in civil, political and individual rights.
With a Media Like This, The West Can't Win
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 6229
Streamlining Pedophilia
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- Written by Ibn Kammuna
- Hits: 5520
Researching Islam for some time, there are a few things that stood out in my mind, and wondered why Muslims can’t see them.
For instance, Muhammad beheaded more than 700 Bani Qurayza (tribe of Qurayza) men in one day. How can a Muslim say that all those men, who had wives and children they had to take care of, be guilty by law, and deserve being killed on the spot? After finishing this job, Muhammad went and had sex with Rihana; one of the widows of Bani Qurayza. Muhammad had beheaded her husband just hours earlier.
In another case, Muhammad marries his daughter-in-law Zaynab bint Jahsh (Zaynab, daughter of Jahsh). How can a Muslim muster that about Muhammad, and still think Muhammad was a prophet of the almighty?
In another case, which is the core of this article, Muhammad “marries” a six-years old child, Ayesha, and goes to bed with her when she was nine years old (in fact, she was not even nine years old yet. She was three months short of that as Arabs during that time used the lunar dating system). How can a Muslim learn that, and remain a Muslim?
A Closer Look at the “Muslim Manifesto” for the U.K.
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- Written by Jon MC
- Hits: 4814
Louis Palme's articles (see here and here) and the analysis that followed drew my attention to this “manifesto”.
Here I take a more holistic look on the issue. Those familiar with the “Cairo declaration on human rights in Islam” will know that whilst a superficial reading of it would lead to nothing objectionable, a deeper reading, including article 25: “The Islamic Shari'ah is the only source of reference for the explanation or clarification of any of the articles of this Declaration”, will be aware how this one clause negates many others in practice.
Thus the OIC declaration was less than the sum of its parts.
Consequently, I intend to consider the “Muslim manifesto” from how the various parts interact together.
Further, whilst we often hear variations on the theme that “Islam is a religion of peace (and love)”, the actions of a host of Islamic Terrorist groups around the world which appeal extensively to the scriptural canon of Islam to show that their actions are Islamic demonstrate that the “peace and love” interpretation of Islam is not the only one.
The Language of Islam
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 8033
Introductory background
As the Islamization of the Arab World, which kicked off in the 1970s, gathered speed, Arabs were re-educated in a new brand of Islam and a new matching style of Muslim language to go with it. This ‘Islamic language’ is a slightly modified version of the Arabic language with a selective use of Islamic friendly words. Some Arabic words and expressions became blacklisted and deemed inappropriate for the Muslims’ use. Employing the Arabic language in this way serves as a useful tool for Muslims to tell those who are Muslims from those who are not. It also helps to give an idea on how Islamized a person is.Jihadi John: Why a Wonderful Muslim Boy Would Become Monstrous Murderer?
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 3845
The revelation that SIS beheader Jihadi John was from a wealthy and privileged Kuwaiti family, who attended university in the UK, has thrown the Western media and political leaders into a desperate frenzy to explain how this was possible. (aslo see)
Too much is written about how wonderful and lovable child Jihadi John was and how the UK society failed this wonderful person, and forced him into become a cruel murderer.
Speaking to BBC Two's Newsnight, his unidentified former teacher said the former pupil was a "lovely, lovely boy", who had a "real willingness to try and succeed.”
Indeed the whole world is wondering how such a wonderful boy could become such a monstrous murderer.
Islamic Lawfare in America: Muslims Shoot Themselves in the Foot .... Again
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 4065
Muslims are quick to litigate whenever their perceived religious rights are impacted. Unfortunately, with each case they win, their community ultimately suffers. Here are two recent examples:
In 2006, the Minnesota chapter of the Muslim American Society issued a fatwah (religious edict) prohibiting taxi cab drivers from carrying passengers transporting alcohol. About 75% of the 900 taxi cab drivers at the Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport are Somali, mostly Muslim. Passengers with dogs were also refused service. These refusals amounted to about 100 complaints a month. In April, 2007, the Metropolitan Airports Commission ordered that taxi cab drivers would face a two year suspension of their licenses if they refused to carry passengers carrying liquor or accompanied by dogs. As a result, cab drivers were faced with either failing to comply with a religious fatwah or losing their jobs.
In 2011, two McDonald’s Restaurants in Michigan introduced Islamic compliant (halal) Chicken McNuggets to accommodate the 150,000 or so Muslims in the Detroit area. Ahmed Ahmed, an operator of a local health clinic, determined that the restaurants weren’t fully compliant with halal standards, and so he sued McDonald’s and won a $700,000 settlement. After that, McDonald’s stopped offering halal menus. (Why didn’t he just work with the restaurants to make sure they were certified halal?)
Islam and Ancient Treasures
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 4351
A few days ago, some Islamic State thugs stormed a museum in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul and destroyed its treasures. This action is not peculiar to the Islamic state but is peculiar to Islam. This evil act is not unprecedented in Islamic history, therefore, comes as a no surprise to those who are familiar with Islam. When Mohammed conquered Mecca, the first thing he did was to enter the Ka’aba and destroy all the statues inside, thereby setting his destructive example (sunna) which is being emulated by his followers ever since. “Islam erases the past” Mohammed taught his followers.
The Author of the Quran Is a Cameleer, Part 4
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- Hits: 3218
Part 3 of this article discussed about how Muhammad condemned camels as the Satan when the Bedouin owners of camels were uncooperative with him, how he blackmailed the Bedouins by imposing trade-embargo on them, and then when they showed willingness to join his cult, how all-of-a-sudden did he elevated camels to the level of God and equated the Quran with camels. This concluding part discusses the roles of the camel on the Day of Resurrection and in heaven. On his way to mesmerizing the Bedouins, Muhammad went further to tell them that their close relationship with camels will not end in this world. It will continue in the afterlife.