The Islamic Bachelor Party
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- Written by Saleem Smith
- Hits: 18081
In Western societies, couples typically choose to get married during the spring and summer months. It is a fun tradition in the West for the friends and family of the about-to-be-married couple to host a bachelor party for the groom and a bachelorette party for the bride.
The Myth of Islamic Purity, Part 2
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- Written by Saleem Smith
- Hits: 7672
Muslims love to claim that Islam is a religion of purity and the one and only perfect religion on earth. We ex-Muslims know better and are not afraid to speak the terrible truth about Muhammad and his Islam. This series of articles will make it obvious that such claims of Islamic purity are purely laughable and utter nonsense.
Obama to Debate Ahmadinejad?
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- Written by Acharya S./D.M. Murdock
- Hits: 5839
President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad recently challenged Barack Obama to a televised debate, "to see who has the best solutions for the world's problems." And what should be on the table for items of debate in such a face off...
Bangladesh & Pakistan: Where Minorities Fear to Walk
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- Written by Lee Jay Walker
- Hits: 9052
In today's Bangladesh and Pakistan, you have constant persecution of non-Muslim minorities, while minority Muslim communities are also being killed in the name of radical Sunni Islam in Pakistan. Therefore, Ahmadiyya Muslims, Buddhists, Christians, Hindus, Shia Muslims, Sikhs, and others face daily persecution and hatred in Bangladesh and Pakistan.
Impossible for the US Government to Stop the Ground Zero Mosque
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 6979
In a democartic and capitalist system, the government can do nothing to stop a project like the Ground Zero Mosque at 9/11 attack site...
The Islam I Left Behind
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6468
I left Islam behind, because that’s where it belongs—behind in the dustbin of history. I summon Muslims to cast off this baseless, harmful, misguiding belief.
Appeasement Emboldens Muslims in the U.K.
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 9156
Anjem Choudary's hate-preaching to Muslims' insulting the British troops --- all result of Muslim appeasement...
Members of Pakistan's National & Provincial Assemblies Produced Fake Degrees
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 9750
Half of the members of Islamic Pakistan's National and Provincial Assembly hold fake degrees, and they are not ashamed of it...
Taliban Genocide of Hazara Muslims
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- Written by B. Kisan
- Hits: 20343
Taliban does not commit atrocities against the infidels alone, but also against non-Sunni Muslim sects, whom they consider heretics. The Hazara Shiite Muslims of Afghanistan are one of their major victim...
A Billion Muslims Consider Muhammad a Prophet, That's a Miracle
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- Written by Ali Khalaf
- Hits: 8545
In history, many warlords and leaders robbed, killed and raped, and committed genocides, but they were all condemned and declared evil criminals like Genghis Khan, Hitler and Polpot. Mo was the only warlord, who did all that and is still declared a perfect human being. He was arguably not only the most violent man, who ever lived, but he was also a nutcase, who did such strange and abnormal things that if done by anyone else will land him in a nut-house. Yet a billion Muslims consider him a role model for humanity. Now that is a real miracle.
The Islamic Republic is NOT Iran
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6404
Because unlike the mass-murderer, oppressive Islamofascist regime of the Islamic Republic, the Iranian people greatly cherish freedom and liberty...