Inside the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 5745
Vice News gets exclusive access into the life and working of the ISIS.
Sahaba – The Incomparable Companions of Prophet Muhammad
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- Hits: 6362
This article is about the ‘noble’ qualities of the companions of Prophet Muhammad, known as Sahaba in Islam. Hundreds of pages will not be sufficient to discuss the outstanding ‘nobility’ and ‘morality’ of the Sahaba thoroughly. This article only touches on a fraction of their 'noble’ virtues.
The Arabic word ‘Sahaba’ or ‘Sahaaba’ denotes the ‘Companions of Prophet Muhammad’, namely those non-Muslims who had seen the prophet and accepted Islam under him and remained Muslim until their death. During the first thirteen years of Muhammad's prophetic activity in Mecca before migrating to Medina, he barely had managed to acquire about one hundred local Arabs as his followers. They comprised his close kith and kin and also a number of slaves, whom Muhammad and Abu Bakr had purchased from their Pagan masters.
Jihad Attacks in Canada: Innocence Lost
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 6168
“He did this because he wanted to reach paradise and assure paradise for his family. He wanted to be a martyr.” – Friend of Canadian Jihadi terrorist Martin Rouleau.
Bukhari: 4852:220: “Allah’s Apostle (Prophet Muhammad) said, “I have been made victorious with terror”
Quran 3:151: "Soon shall We cast terror into the Hearts of the Unbelievers"
If we foil 1000 terrorist attacks but fail on the 1001th, then terrorists win, we lose.
Open Mosque Day 2014 in Southern California – Dumb and Dumber
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 5831
Once again, twenty-five mosques in the Southern California area participated last weekend in an annual Open House to encourage non-Muslims to learn more about Islam and the activities of Muslims in their neighborhood. I have visited several of these mosques and written reports on the findings reported by other visitors. As the title of last year’s report indicated, many visitors were not impressed: “Open Mosque Day – Muslims Serve Up Tea and Taquiyya". Instead of striving for more honesty and clarity about their religious beliefs and practices, the hosts of these open mosques seem to be doubling down on deception and distortion. From a public relations point of view, it is dumb to put the Islamic falsehoods on display. It is even dumber to assume that visitors won’t “fact check” the assertions.
Not In My Name: A Campaign of Disinformation and Deception
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- Written by Jake Neuman
- Hits: 10192
Muslims in Britain have started a campaign entitled #NotInMyName, referring to ISIS barbarisms in the Middle East. It can at best be described as a disinformation campaign to deceive unaware non-Muslims about the atrociously violent teachings of Islam.
Quoting the organizers of the campaign:
“British Muslims are taking a stand against the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) by launching a social media campaign to deliver an important message: Hate and violence do not represent their religion.”
“Many others are saying the extremists are “hiding behind a false Islam.”
Judgment Day October 16, 2014: Will Spain Condemn Imran Firasat to Death?
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 8873
Spain does not have death penalty. And recently, dozens of Spaniards blockaded the house of an Ebola-infected nurse for saving her Ebola-infected dog after a court had ordered the dog be euthanized. When the security forces eventually broke through the blockade and took away the poor dog, the protesters chanted, “Assassin! Assassin!” with many bursting into tears.
Yet a Spanish court today may arrive at a verdict, which would mean death penalty for Imran Firasat, a Pakistani ex-Muslim and convert to Christianity.
His offence? Criticism of Islam, which is a constitutionally protected human rights in Spain.
Al Qubsiyat: The Syrian Secretive Islamic Women's Cult (Painting)
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- Written by Fine Living
- Hits: 5032
Description of the painting (see inside)
This painting depicts a group of women gathered in a circle around their leader "Munirah Qubsia”. I got the idea of this circle while watching a video showing women gathered around her waiting on every move she made and every syllable she uttered. As usual I sketch any ideas for a new paintings right away before they disappear. I drew it and what came out is exactly what you see in the painting except for the 4 extra arms and the things the arms held, which I added later.
The figure in the middle depicts Munirah as the master of slaves. She has a hold on them mentally. But they aren't aware of it. The chains of Islam are invisible.
I depicted Munirah growing out of the Quran. Her roots are deeply ingrained in it, which is where her power comes from.
Allah is the Big Lie
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 8928
The biggest and most pernicious religious lie ever perpetrated on humanity is the assertion that Islam’s holy book, the Quran, is the verbal word of God, a.k.a. Allah. The dangerous civilizational damages emanating from that lie are: 1) the commands and examples of Allah and his prophet eclipse all moral values of good and evil based on reason; 2) since Allah claims to control all events, his followers do not have to take responsibility for their actions; and 3) all mankind is divided between believers who are blessed and unbelievers who are considered filth and are worthy of torture, slavery, and murder.
Islamic Horrors in London: British Woman Returns to Luton to Discover How Her Hometown Turned into an Islamic Hellhole
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8477