Bangladeshi Ex-Muslim and Wife Detained and Persecuted in the U.K.
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 14108
Guess who are the most persecuted people in the world today? It is the apostates of Islam. Not only they face certain death in Islamic countries, they are often ignored in western countries.
Muhammad's Murder of Poetess Asma bint Marwan
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- Written by Abdullah Sarh
- Hits: 23371
How Prophet Muhammad murdered Asma bte Marwan, a poetess and mother of five, as she slept with her children? (comic illustration)
Al-Qaeda Linked Muslim Jihadi in French Shootings
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 12028
The Associated Press in reporting that hundreds of French policemen have cornered a terror suspect, a 24-year-old Muslim, in a building in the southwestern city of Toulouse, where the suspect has perpetrated three separate deadly shootings in recent days.
Norway's Islam Crisis: Oppression of Muslim Women, Rape of Kuffar Women, Clash of Civilizations
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 14413
Defying Death-threats, Rushdie in Delhi Blasts Muslim “Fanatics” and Fanatics-Appeasing Indian Politicians
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- Written by M. A. Khan
- Hits: 15225
Rushdie claimed Muslim fanatics and terrorists, not he, have caused the greatest harm to Islam and Muslims. He also termed the ruling Congress Party's Muslim fanatics-appeasement and votebank politics disgraceful, sickening and cowardly -- which are not working either. He also called Imran Khan, who avoided the forum due to Rushdie's presence, cowardly and a dictator in waiting in the likeness of Gaddafi...
An Ex-Muslim’s Open Letter to Muslims of the World
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- Written by Roman
- Hits: 40380
Dear Muslim Brothers and Sisters
Greetings in the name of Allah, the beneficent and the Merciful!
Today we are fortunate to watch what is happening in the world on TV from our living rooms – whether it is tsunami, floods, earthquakes, plane crashes, refugee camps, the wars in Iraq or Afghanistan etc. In this panorama of world events, we also watch our Muslim brothers continually involve in unending fights in Palestine, Kashmir, Southern Thailand, Mindanao (Philippines), Nigeria, Chechnya, Burma, Xinxiang province in China etc. We also watch Muslims killing Muslims, or Sunnies fighting against Shiites Ahamadias, Bahais, often attacking their Mosques using suicide bombers.
Murder of Heavily Pregnant Ummu Walad for Criticizing Muhammad
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- Written by Abdullah Sarh
- Hits: 21993
Ummu Walad's master murdered her for ridiculing the prophet and she miscarriaged her fetus. And Muhammad approved the barbaric murder.
The Quranic Straw-man Fallacies, Part 1
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- Written by Lennard James
- Hits: 16967
The Wolofs[i] say, "Truth is a hot pepper" and "Whoever wants honey must brave the bees."
Often we learn our religious commandments and those stories that bind our certain beliefs we are born into to be totalitarian truths! Our parents, our holy priests, our holy books and our godly beliefs, compel us to confirm our religious obligations to be the truths and its teaching All That Is Truthful. We are even told to understand what we learn or know as the ultimate truths and our blighting beliefs as righteousness!
The Disgraceful and Distressing Things Ibn Hisham Omitted from Ibn Ishaq’s Biography of Muhammad
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- Written by Louis Palme
- Hits: 41224
Amongst them was his "permanent post-mortem erection"?
Horrors of Islam: 90-100 Teenagers Stoned to Death for "Emo" Hairdos in Iraq
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- Written by Ali Sina
- Hits: 17882
Islamic barbarism knows no bounds. I'm stunned to read this story of how Iraqi teenagers are being stoned to death by moral police for wearing strange hairdos. Shockingly barbaric. (M. A. Khan)
Bent on Propping Up Islam
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 9124
From the Middle East to the West, the spectacular advance of Islam is deliberately aided Western politicians.