Obama Meets Ahmadinejad
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 5881
A peek into the encounter between Ahmadinejad (Fascist) and Obama (Fraud) from Amil Imani's fascinating book, Obama Meets Ahmadinejad.
Taqiyyah Tacticians
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 6285
Michael Moore to President Ahmadinejad, some prominent taqiyyah tacticians of today...
'The Aim Is to Make Israel a Pariah' -- Rupert Murdoch
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- Written by Admin
- Hits: 8257
Rupert Murdoch gave an extraordinary speech at an Anti-Defamation League dinner, in which he recounted a very revealing menacing resurgence of anti-Semitism in the West (forget about it amongst Muslims). For example he said: "...anti-Semitism today enjoys support at both the highest and lowest reaches of European society – from its most elite politicians to its largely Muslim ghettoes. European Jews find themselves caught in this pincer." Read his fascinating speech below:
Mystery behind the Veil: Did Prophet Muhammad Go to Zaynab's House Covered in a Veil?
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- Written by Mohammad A. Khan
- Hits: 9685
Head-to-toe veils are often being used by Muslim male criminals, terrorists and even secret-lovers to avoid identification. Could Muhammad have used the same to ploy to enter his daughter-in-law Zaynab's house to see her semi-naked???
Islamic Tidbits
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- Written by Ayesha Ahmed
- Hits: 8163
Latest Islamic tidbits: from killing a Muslim girl by father for not praying to Obama's employment of Muslims in NASA to harness extraordinary Muslim talents...
Commonality of Nazism with Islam and Sharia
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- Written by Steven Simpson
- Hits: 13196
In the early 1930’s the 'free world' made the mistake of dismissing Hitler’s words as mere threats and ravings. Will the West make the same mistake when continually confronted with Islamic terror?
What Is Islam?
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- Written by Amil Imani
- Hits: 6365
Whereas democracy is defined as the rule of the people, by the people, for the people, Islam is defined as the rule of Allah, by Allah and his emissaries, for the pleasure of Allah. And when people, out of concern for political correctness or ignorance, describe Islam as a religion of peace, they are, at the very least, guilty of misrepresenting it.
Open Letter to Reza Aslan, Deceptive Mouthpiece of so-called Moderate Muslims
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- Written by Syed Kamran Mirza
- Hits: 10297
Questions ,and invitation to a debate on Islam, to Reza Aslan, who spewed lied and deception in Christiane Amanpour-moderated live debate, “Holy War: Should Americans Fear Islam?”, broadcasted from ABC...
Muhammad Had No Miracles: Allah
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- Written by Mumin Salih
- Hits: 13485
Allah made it clear in the Quran that he sent no miracles with Muhammad, neither in his Quran nor in his hadith. Would this stop Muslims from claiming that there are miracles in the Quran and sunna? I doubt it!
Taqiyyah: The Islamic Principle of Holy Deception
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- Written by Dr. Radhasyam Brahmachari
- Hits: 37872
To explain the Arabic word TAQIYAH, Hughes Dictionary of Islam says, “Literally it means “Guarding oneself”. (It’s a) Shi’ah doctrine. A pious fraud whereby a Shi’ah Muslim believes he is justified in either smoothing down or in denying the peculiarities of his religious belief, in order to save himself from religious persecutions. A Shi’ah can, therefore, pass himself off as a Sunni to escape persecution.”
The Prophets: Muhammad versus David Mitchell, David Koresh & Jim Jones
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- Written by Ayesha Ahmed
- Hits: 16072
Sex and lies of prophets, from Muhammad to modern American prophets...